Chapter 1

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Ahh, it's finally happening! My mom and I will be going to Korea from Manila. I had finally convinced my mom for us to stay for 2 weeks. Originally, she just wanted to stay for 4-5 days, but that's too little to explore Seoul with. I wanted as much time as possible, so I convinced her to visit Korea for 2 weeks. Now, we're at the airport, about to board our Korea Air plane and fly the short 4 or 5 hours it takes to fly from Manila to Seoul. We board our plane, find out seats, and buckle ourselves in for the ride of our lives. I've been dying to go to Seoul for the longest time, and it's finally going to happen.

We arrive in Seoul after flying from Manila and it only took about 4 to 5 hours. We wander around Incheon International Airport, grab our suitcases from baggage claim, and hail a taxi to our condominium. We rented it out for 2 weeks since we'll be staying here in Seoul for that amount of time. Since I've been learning Korean for a year and 9 months now, I was able to tell the taxi driver to drop us off at our condo. Our condo is really cute. It is all white, larger than a regular Korean apartment, and just nice in general. Once settling into our condo, it's time for us to hit the town. As Seoul has many, many different neighborhoods; from Gangnam to Itaewon, we plan to explore each of these places to the best of our abilities.

For my first day in Seoul, I would like
to go to Gangnam so I can visit all my favorite K-pop companies. My ultimate bias group these days is ATEEZ, so I would like to visit KQ Entertainment with a hope that I meet at least one member of that group. My mom and I take a taxi from our condo straight to KQ Entertainment.
"What is this place? Oh, 7-Eleven." Mom said, noticing that KQ Entertainment has a 7-Eleven on the first floor.
"Yes, that and this is KQ Entertainment. It is home to my favorite K-pop group, ATEEZ." I explained.
"Ah, I see. Are we going in?" Mom asked.
"Duh, let's go. 감사함니다, 선생님." I said to the taxi driver(Thank you, sir)
"천만에요." The taxi driver said with a smile(You're welcome)

My mom and I walk into the 7-Eleven which is on the first floor of KQ Entertainment. I spot a few Korean snacks that I want to try, so I snatch them, and also pick up banana milk. After choosing a few snacks to try later, I have my mom hold onto the bag of snacks, and put them into my backpack to eat later. I asked the cashier how I get to the main part of the company building, and he told me to take the elevator and it should take us to the lobby. Okay, got it. Mom and I walk into the elevator, I push the L button for Lobby, and the elevator takes us up. The elevator opens once we've reached the lobby floor, and I wander around for a long while. I notice that there are ads for ATEEZ and their newest junior group that recently debuted. They are the newest group to debut out of the batch of KQ FELLAZ trainees. Anyways, I didn't expect it, but I spot a member of ATEEZ. Is that. . . San? No way, that's my bias. I knew I had to approach him before I lose the opportunity to meet him.
"최산." I said to get his attention(Choi San)
"네?" San asked(Huh?)
"안녕하세요, 저는 희정입니다. 만나서 반가워요." I said(Hi, my name is Heejung. Nice to meet you)
"안녕하세요, 저는 최산입니다. 나도 만나서 반가워요." San said with a cute smile(Hi, I'm San Choi. Nice to meet you, too)
"I'm actually from America and learned Korean on my own because of K-pop and K-dramas." I said.
"Oh, wow. Your Korean is very good." San said.
"Thank you. I'm also a huge fan of ATEEZ." I said.
"Thank you. Nice to meet an ATINY like this." San said.
"May I take a few photos with you?" I asked.
"Of course. Is this your mom?" San asked.
"Yeah, she'll take some photos for me. Others will be selfies. Selca? Either one, haha." I said, laughing.
"Selca and selfie is the same." San said, laughing along.
"Okay. Ready? 하나, 둘, 셋." I said, then snapped many, many selfies, with San doing various hand poses and cute faces.

After having a nice, little conversation with San, introducing myself and all this stuff, I then asked him one bold question.
"Can we be friends on KakaoTalk?" I asked.
"Oh? Me and you? You are really, really nice, so I don't see why not. Let me see your QR code." San said.
"Wait, you're serious?" I asked.
"Yeah, you're nice. You weren't disrespectful and respect me as an idol. I think we can be friends." San said.
"Okay, okay." I said, scrambling with my phone, pulling up my KakaoTalk ID. I couldn't believe that San actually agreed to be friends with me. I mean, he's my ultimate bias for all the groups I am a fan of. For San to actually to become friends with me, is mind blowing. My mom was waiting for me while all of this was happening. When I walked back over to her after meeting San, she asked,
"Who was that?"
"That was San. He's my ultimate bias in ATEEZ. At the end of our conversation, we just decided to become friends on KakaoTalk." I said.
"What's KakaoTalk?" Mom asked.
"It's the Korean messenger, like Facebook messenger." I explained.
"Oh, okay." Mom said.
"Yeah, so we're now friends on KakaoTalk." I said.
"I think you would be cute together." Mom joked.
"Mom~" I groaned, "He's someone I look up to highly, and I don't think I would be brave enough to date him."
"I'm just kidding." Mom said.
"Yeah, sure. You want me to date him because he has a stable job, good looking, and all this." I said.
"I wouldn't allow you to date a what-do-you-call-this? Korean idol." Mom said.
"Oh, just because he's an idol, you don't want me dating him? That's messed up." I said.
"I just don't think it would be okay since he is famous." Mom said.
"Okay, okay. I would be scared to date him because of that too." I said.
"Just be friends." Mom said.
"That's our plan." I said.

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