~ Chapter 17 ~

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"How could you even think of yourself being a burden? And how dare you to think that you're a burden to me?"

"Let me go! Massimo, please! Let me sink! Let go off me, I can't I can't live anymore!" I screamed hard as I looked up in the air.

"Mom, mom, please take me with you! Mom!" I cried as I punched him on his chest.

I managed to get rid of his grip, and I pushed myself away from his body.

"Mom! Mom, take me with y..."
The rest didn't come out of my mouth as the water surrounded me. My eyes were open, they did not want to close. The water was hurting them, but they've already been through so much pain. They have cried so much, this won't hurt them anymore.

My lungs wanted me to breath and I knew, I'd give in. Just a few more seconds and I'd be reunited with my mom. Mom, she loves me, she cares about me. This cruel world has damaged me a lot, my body and soul can't take this anymore. It's okay, everyone will live happily when I'm gone.

I saw Massimo, swimming towards me, his hand was close to me. I tried to smile, just a last time. I tried my best to sink deeper and deeper, wanting the darkness of the sea to eat me. Take me, take me, even breathing in this world is painful. If not today, I'll die, and I'll be the murderer of myself.

My lungs gave in and my sight was blurred, Massimo faded away. There is was the darkness, it consumed me, every cell in my body was feeling it's pain.

After the darkness there was suddenly light.
There was a huge bubble, in the water.
"What am I doing here?" I looked around, seeing nothing but brightness.

"Where am I?" The sudden bright light made me squeeze my eyes.
"Leila, my child."
A beautiful woman with her beautiful brown hair approached me. Her smile so bright that my heart just wanted to melt, it felt so warm and welcoming.

"My child."
"Yes my love."
"Mom!" I tried to run towards her, but the bubble was blocking me.
"Mom!" I cried.
"My love, calm down. Listen to me."
She passed through the bubble holding my hands. I didn't take it anymore and hugged her tightly. There was a beautiful musky odor coming from her.

"Mom, mom." I sniffed.
"My love, Leila, don't cry."
"Mom, please take me with you, please." I cried.
"My lovely child, look at me." She held my face in her hands as she placed a kiss on my forehead.

"You have become a beautiful young lady. Leila, I'm so proud of you, so extremely proud. My lovely child, I want you to know that I've been looking at you. Every single day, I've been keeping an eye on you my love. You have been trough terrible days, I've seen your every single tear. But what I've also seen is that you are a rebel, a warrior who fights for her rights."

"Mom, I can't anymore. Dad doesn't love me. Massimo hates me, everyone hates me. I can't live, please mom, release me from this torture."

"My lovely child, I can't. I can't take you with me cuz I know you have people who love you dearly."

"Mom, no one loves me, please mom take me with you."

"I can't my love. You still have a long life, a life full of happines will come towards you. Please my love, keep smiling and keep going, just like you have been doing. And remember wherever you are, whether you are homeless or not, I'm looking at you, and I am listening to you. I love you my child, I have to go, there is someone else waiting for you impatiently."

She backed up and the bubble closed again.
"Mom! No! Please mom!" I tried to go through the bubble but it didn't work. She waved at me as she slowly dissapeard.

"Mom! Mom! Noo!"

"Leila! Leila, open your eyes! Leila!"
I got up in one go sitting stiff.
Where am I? I asked myself as I looked around. I was on the bed in the villa where we were staying for our honeymoon.
"Ssh, it was a dream, just a dream."
I looked him in the eyes, those eyes that kept carrying the darkness in them.

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