Chapter 21

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Lydia had thought when she was summoned to Kelly's office, she would need to sign paperwork or discuss business, instead, Kelly invited Lydia out on a shopping trip for the gala. Lydia was nervous to go shopping with her sister. Yes, they had been getting along while having to work with one another, but she had never interacted with Kelly on such a casual occasion and she was worried she was going to do or say something that would spark an argument. 

Xander, although backing off with his bodyguard responsibilities around just Lydia, lingered with Kelly's a few feet behind them. Lydia didn't necessarily know how to broach the subject of Xander with her sister, which was another point of anxiety for her. 

Kelly led the two of them to some upscale boutique, one Lydia only recognized because one of the designers, named Chloe, frequented her bakery and often order scones for the staff. When they entered, Lydia frowned, noticing Chloe was nowhere in sight. Instead, they were greeted by a very dashing-looking man in a navy blue suit. He rushed over to Kelly and kissed her on both cheeks. "Kelly, is it that time of year already?"

Kelly grinned and nodded her head. "I hope you don't disappoint me and my sister, Julian."

Lydia suppressed a stupidly large smile at Kelly finally calling Lydia her sister. It was the first time she had ever done so.  Julian's gaze travelled to Lydia's, looking her top to toe. He smirked. "Is there a reason why you would keep such a gorgeous woman from my clutches, Kelly?"

Before Kelly could offer a response, and by the look on her face, it was going to be a snarky one, Julian took Lydia's hand and kissed her fingers gently. "It's a pleasure. Say, do you have anyone to attend the gala with?"

Kelly scoffed and shook her head as she hid her face in her hand. It seemed to Lydia that Kelly was used to Julian's flirtatious manners. Lydia turned her head ever-so-slightly in Xander's direction, wholly aware he was likely glaring daggers at Julian. She feigned a smile. "Fortunately, I do."

Julian's cocky smirk dropped, likely not used to being rejected. The look of dismay seemed to have please Kelly, likely tired of his antics. Lydia knew her sister wasn't a terribly patient person. The designer straightened the sleeve of his suit and gestured for them to follow him to the back. Once they were there, he spread his arms, showing off two racks of various dresses. "These beauties are all Julian Originals."

Kelly eyed the dresses, a hungry smile on her face. "I want to try that one."

She pointed to a beautiful deep red satin dress, with a deep plunging neckline.  Although it wasn't Lydia's style, she sucked in a sharp breath, recognizing how gorgeous her sister would look in it. Kelly turned to her and waved to the racks. "Which one do you like?"

Lydia shook her head, not sure which one she liked best. She walked over to the racks, inspecting each and every dress. She knew the likelihood of being able to afford one of these dresses was very slim, but she had to admit, whatever the price, it would be worth it. Eventually, her eyes settled on a peacock green dress. It was an A-line V-neck, the skirts cascading down to the floor. Lydia's favourite part of the dress, however, was the bodice and sleeves, which were three-quarter length, were made of lace and had minimal sequence, adding a bit of subtle sparkle. Lydia trailed her fingers over it, turning to Kelly, she said, "This one."


Lydia hadn't expected Kelly to buy her dress. Or matching shoes. Or jewelry. Despite arguing with her about it, Kelly had insisted. She felt guilty for her sister spending so much money on her and when Lydia voiced her concerns, Kelly looked as though she wanted to laugh as if the whole outfit was barely a dent in her pocket, which, Lydia supposed was very much the case. 

When she had gotten home from the shopping trip, she rushed to put the dress in her closet.

Xander leaned against the doorframe of the bedroom while to rearranged her closet to fit the new dress. "Try it on, I didn't get to see it in the store."

"Nope," Lydia grinned, satisfied at the look of annoyance on Xander's face. "I want to surprise you."

Xander's annoyed expression vanished and he cocked his head to the right, a smirk played on his lips instead. "That Julian guy seemed to like you."

"Here we go," Lydia exhaled, slightly amused. She got the dress in the closet and rested her hands on her hips. "Is this where you go all possessive again?"

Xander chuckled at her words. "Nah, he never would have had a shot even if I wasn't in the picture."

Lydia arched a brow. "And you know this, how?"

"You don't strike me as the type of person who likes pretty boys," he said, shrugging his shoulders as if the answer was obvious enough.

Lydia burst out laughing. "And you think you're not a pretty boy?"

Xander looked offended by the question. "I'm a bodyguard."

"A pretty boy bodyguard," Lydia corrected, laughter escaping her once more. When Xander still didn't look amused, Lydia rolled her eyes. "Fine, you're a tough pretty boy bodyguard."

This time Xander rolled his eyes and pushed himself off the doorframe. Lydia thought he was going to leave her, but he came up to her and kissed her forehead. "You're lucky you're cute."

Lydia looked up at him, a grin spreading across her face as she pinched his cheeks. "No, you're cute."

Xander let out an exasperated sigh, shaking his head but Lydia could see he was trying hard to not smile, which only made Lydia smile even more.

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