Chapter 8

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Lydia awoke to the smell of something sweet. Her head was pounding and her hair was still damp from the bubble bath from the night before. She rubbed her eyes and stood from her bed, wondering how she got in her bed in the first place. The last thing she remembered before falling asleep on the sofa was Xander letting out a small breath of excitement when the team he was rooting for scored a goal. Lydia raked her hands through her hair as she walked to the kitchen, where Xander was standing over the stove.

"What are you doing?" Lydia asked, suspicion laced in her tone.

Xander turned to her, his hair messy as if he rolled out of bed and started doing whatever he was doing without bothering to wake up fully first. He wore sweatpants that rested on his hips and no shirt. Lydia fought to tear her gaze from his toned chest to his face. He offered her a small smile. "Making things easier. Sit."

Lydia sat on the stool by the counter and Xander placed a plate of pancakes and a glass of orange juice in front of her. She reached for the glass and took a small sip. "Thank you."

Xander sat beside her, shrugging nonchalantly. "I remember you telling me pancakes were your comfort food so I figured you'd need some comfort after drinking as much as you did last night."

Lydia winced. Indeed, she needed her comfort food. Her head felt like someone was squeezing her brain. "Last night was not my finest moment. I'm sorry for what I said."

Xander swallowed the bite of his pancake. "You were right. But you were wrong about one thing."

Lydia placed her fork down and stared at him. "And that is?"

"I like working for you," he tore his gaze from hers and stared at his plate. "And I want to be your friend but I'm supposed to be guarding you, to protect you. I don't want to seem unprofessional."

"Have you ever been friends with any of your assignments before?" Lydia asked quietly.

Xander shook his head. "None. Once the assignment is over, I never talk to them again."

Lydia hated the thought of never speaking to him again after this year was over. They had spent so much time together and will continue to do so for a while, it seemed strange to not see him or speak with him after that. 

Xander, as if he read her mind, touched her hand softly. The sensation of it almost made Lydia jolt. "I don't want to never see you again once this is over, Lydia."

Lydia sighed. "Then I guess we have to be friends."

Xander chuckled, the sound filling Lydia's ears. "I guess so. But just because we are friends doesn't mean I let you go off doing your own thing without the proper protection. I can't work for you or be your friend if you aren't honest with me."

Lydia scoffed, at the state her head was in, she wouldn't be sneaking off to get drunk with her friends for a long time. "Believe me, I'm never drinking again."

"That's what they all say," Xander countered, taking a large bite of his breakfast.

After that, Lydia and Xander ate together, occasionally conversing about her plans for the day or something one of them had seen on the news. It was nice. Comfortable.

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