Chapter 13

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Lydia tilted her head, watching Xander cooking the steaks. "How is it I've had this barbecue for nearly a year and this is not only the first time using it, but I'm not even the one actually using it?"

Xander flipped the steaks with the large metal tongs, flames peaking over the grill's grate. He shot Lydia a look. "You've never had steak, why would get a barbecue in the first place?"

"Nathan suggested it," Lydia shrugged, sipping her glass of wine that rested on the patio table she had set up for dinner. She watched Xander move around the foil wrapped potatoes and then turning around, stealing a sip of her wine. She shooed him away, taking back the glass. "Mine."

Xander chuckled at her playful possessiveness of her wine and went back to grilling. "How do you want your steak?"

Lydia arched a brow. "Cooked?"

Xander's lips went into a flat line, not liking her answer, which was clearly a joke. Lydia fought the urge to laugh at his dismay, seeing as he did not realize she was kidding. Ultimately, her desire to laugh won. "I'm kidding. I'm good with whatever the birthday boy recommends."

Xander's lips twitched upward at her nickname she had given him for the day. "Are you sure you want to trust my judgment? Maybe I like it raw."

Lydia choked on her sip of wine she had been taking. Mentally, she scolded herself for thinking such inappropriate thoughts. She quickly took another sip in an effort to drown the sound of her choking. After the wine went down her system, she replied. "I trust you."

Xander eyed her suspiciously, probably noting the moment she choked and attempted to cover it up, but he said nothing of it. "I trust you too."

Lydia smiled. Even though it was something as simple as him stating he trusts her food related judgements, she still appreciated the statement.


An hour later, Lydia and Xander were watching the sunset. Their meals were finished, Lydia had a hard time finishing the portion he had served her, however, he had no problems finishing whatever she couldn't.

"So, how did you enjoy your first ever steak?" Xander mused, sipping his own glass of wine, which Lydia had given him when he tried stealing another sip of hers.

Lydia looked down at her empty plate and back up at Xander's dark eyes. "It was delicious."

Xander seemed both satisfied and proud with her answer, being the one responsible for providing her with her first steak.

"How did you like your birthday?" Lydia asked, suddenly nervous by his answer. Although he said he didn't mind her baking him a cake and accidentally making a big deal of it, part of her worried he secretly did mind.

Xander thought to himself for a moment. When he came up with an answer, he said, "I loved it, thank you, again." The setting sun hit his brown eyes as he looked at her. "I had a lot of fun with you."

"Me too," Lydia said softly, a hint of a blush bloomed on her cheeks.

Xander smiled and then leaned back into his chair. "Do you want to go back inside?"

Lydia shook her head, enjoying watching the sun set, and the warmth of the summer night. She looked to Xander. "But we can, if you'd prefer. Whatever you'd like."

Xander chuckled at her rushed, nervous sentence. He reached for his drink and said, "I'd like to stay outside, with you."

Lydia leaned back into her chair and Xander moved his so he was beside her, rather than across from her. Together, the continued to watch the sun go down, sipping their wine and enjoying one another's presence.


The next morning, Lydia walked into the kitchen, watching Xander demolish his breakfast. When she noticed what it was, she shook her head. "Cake, really?"

Xander shrugged his broad shoulders, the corners of his lips upturned into a smile. "It's carrot cake, so it isn't  too bad of a breakfast."

She suppressed a laugh while she reached for her coffee maker, pouring herself an obscene amount to prepare her for the day ahead of her, which consisted of attending a wedding she had done the cake for. Before she could relay the plan for the day, Xander finished his hefty piece of cake and wiped his mouth. "That was hands down the best carrot cake I've ever had."

Lydia's eyebrows shot upwards. "Well, I did recall you hated anything in it like walnuts or whatever, but I didn't think I would be honored with the title of the best carrot cake you've ever had. I thought that title would remain with your grandmother."

Xander chuckled as he placed the dirty plate in the sink. "My grandmother would always sneak in all that nutty or raisin nonsense."

Lydia rolled her eyes, finding it incredibly amusing that her big, bad bodyguard hated anything in his carrot cake. Xander lingered beside her, so close, she could smell the soap he used. "I'm also impressed you remembered it was my favourite cake."

Lydia waved him off, taking a long sip of her coffee before she answered. "I make it a goal of mine to remember all of the people I care for's favourite cake."

Xander looked taken aback at her comment and remained silent until she spoke again. "I should get ready for the wedding."

Wordlessly, Xander nodded his head. Lydia took another sip of her coffee and then placed it on the counter. As she walked to her bedroom, she could feel the burn of his gaze follow her until she shut the door.

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