"And now Stiles' dad isn't okay either, okay Derek there is alot going on. I need to help Stiles, we will talk later okay? I promise."

He let's out a grunt, "Okay, stay safe, okay? And stay away from Theo."

"I will, I love you, I'm so sorry."

"Its okay, Zara. You have to help your friends, I will always understand. And I love you too." He replies

"Derek, I am okay. I know you don't believe that but I promise you, I will not let Theo get the upper hand like that again."

"I believe you, Zar." Derek says gently

"Okay, We'll talk soon, as soon as I can wrap my head around everything that's going on and I get a chance to breathe."

"I know, bye Zara." He replies

"Bye Der." She whispers

He hangs up and she pockets her phone before running down the hall and finding Stiles being restrained by guards along with Scott being restrained by a guard as well.

"What the hell?"

"He just.. attacked him." Melissa replies panting a bit.

"Look your dad's not the only one who got hurt." Scott says panting a little.

Stiles scoffs at the blood on Scott's shirt, "Oh you'll heal."

Scott looks down at his shirt, "I'm not talking about me."

"Then who..." Stiles trails off, and then his eyes widen, he gulps, "Lydia."

Scott nods, "Lyla texted that she's catatonic, only one person could've done that." Scott replies

"Theo." Zara snarls

And then they were making their way to Lydia's hospital room, Stiles went in first but he just came out seconds later looking pissed off, he said that Lydia's mom pushed him out and said everything that was happening to Lydia was the pack's fault.

This is what happens when you keep your parents in the dark, but Lydia and Lyla knew their parents would send them both to Eichen if they knew about them being Banshees. But Lyla said she thinks Lydia is being sent there anyway because of what Theo did to her. And since Mrs. Martin has no idea about the supernatural she has no idea what the nurses there would do to someone like Lydia.

This was very, very bad.

So now, Zara was in an empty room with Scott, Stiles, Lyla, Jackson and Isaac. Along with the adults, Melissa, and Parrish, they were trying to strategize.

"What if it was just a side effect of shock?" Parrish asked

"No, it was Theo digging his way through her mind." Stiles says angrily

"Wait, this could've happened to Corey if Scott didn't do it right." Lyla replies

"Not the point but yes." Scott winces, "I never got to apologize for that."

"What is Theo looking for?" Melissa asked

"He's looking for an advantage."

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