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light at the end of the tunnel 

angst + fluff

"𝘪'𝘮 𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘢 𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩"



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"take a chill pill, babe~"

"denki, i swear to god, i will slap you"

you hadn't seen grace all day, and by now you were absolutely furious. what was wrong with her? she's hanging out with those homophobic cunts instead of you! so naturally, you called denki. 

you were sitting outside of school, waiting for the first few buses to leave so you wouldn't run in-to grace on the way home. you were on facetime with denki on instagram, it was around 11pm for him and you suggested just texting but him being himself responded with, "nah, shawty, call me ;)". and you trusted denki, you recently realized how much you actually rely on him and how he doesn't really talk about his true feelings much and he usually just makes a joke about it. 

"AND I WAS WALKING AND I KID YOU NOT, SHE JUST SAT THERE, NOT EVEN A WORD." you yelled, looking down at your phone, "THEN FOR SOME REASON, I APOLOGIZED AND SHE LEFT ME ON READ!" denki sat there, dumbfounded, from what you've told him, you and grace have never really argued before, except for small things in primary school, so he could tell how serious this was.

 "well, maybe she's trying to become more popular and liked?" he suggested, trying to find anyway he could comfort you. "i'm sure she'll soon realize how bitchy she's being and come to her senses!" you sigh, "yeah i guess." and that's when you saw it, it was grace with her new friends, walking to the bus stop, carrying some mcdonalds.

you grabbed the phone, pulling it closer to your face, "no fucking way" you whispered, "they're here! and they have food- what the fuck" you were in disbelief. grace would get in so much trouble for being home late AND eating fast food, you knew how strict her parents were. they were laughing, they looked like they were having so much fun. you felt a pressure on your heart, as if someone was squeezing it. why were you feeling so jealous? 

before you knew it, you felt your eyes start to water. "y/n- hey, hey, are you alright?" denki asked, concern laced in his tone. "yeah.." you heard your own voice crack. that's when they started to walk up to you, you quickly composing yourself, grace obviously trying to stop them, although she wasn't trying that hard. 

"hey y/n!" becca chimed, "how are your gay animals?" she snickered, her friends giggling behind her. she then noticed denki on your phone screen, "oo, who are you on call with? your boyfriend?~" "just leave me alone." you spat, grabbing your bag to leave, ignoring denki's multiple questions, asking what was happening. you turned to grace, 

"you should get home soon, you can tell your mum i forgot something in my locker so you went with me." before she could form words for a response, you walked away, leaving to take the train, feeling the lump in your throat break.



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the call was silent. you were sitting at the train station, with your headphones in. "y/n? are you alright?" denki asked gently, "ignore those assholes, their lives are so boring that they have to try ruin others for fun." you smiled softly, humming with recognition so he knew you were listening. 

"plus i saw that girl, she should fix her caterpillar-ass eyebrows before talking about your sexy gay animals." this made you burst out laughing, gaining a few looks from people around you. 

"thank you." you sighed, "i'm such an ass, i'm never there to comfort you, and here you are being fucking amazing and making me laugh in the most shitty situation" 

"don't say that, y/n. you have no idea how many times i was having a horrible day and texting you, even for only a minute, made my day so much better." your heart literally jumped, this is happening. a massive grin made its way onto your face, you probably wouldn't be able to stop smiling if you tried. you looked at the call, noticing how red your face was and the prominent shit-eating grin that denki presented, proudly.

"you too, you idiot.." you huffed, "i'm really glad i met you." you could see his face flush red and he smiled softly, chuckling. "i'm sure everything will be fine," he comforted, "i wish i could be there to hug you." your heart beat was so loud in your ears you were afraid he could hear it.

"okay dumbass, enough with the cheesy shit." you laughed, afraid you would end up saying something embarrassing. "but thank you, so much."

"of course, and if those girls ever mess with you again, i'm gonna smack a bitch."


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