chapter 26

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{Marinette's POV}

I was almost home until.. I got pulled into an alleyway by someone. I felt someone's hand on my mouth. He pinned me against the wall.

"I'll remove my hand but if you scream things will get bloody."

I nodded and he removed my hand.

"P-please d-don't."

I begged him to stop and I was still pinned against the wall. He held my wrists tightly above my head. I looked down at my purse and saw Tikki concentrating but she was also scared. The man lifted my chin up and kissed m roughly. I tried to push him off but he was to strong. He pulled away and gaped for air. So did I.

"P-please d-don't." I begged him again.

"Don't talk."

I looked down at Tikki again and she had covered her eyes and was afraid. For what would happen to me. I tried to push him away but he held my wrists tightly against the wall.

"Don't push me away little lady."

He kissed me again. Shorter this time. He started kissing my face. Then kissed down to my neck. He sucked on my skin right above my collarbone. I was powerless against him but still begged him to stop.

"Shut up slut."

I cried. I saw the look in his eyes. He looked evil. His hand went down. He unclipped my bra and messaged my breasts.

"N-no." I sobbed.

He put his hand on my mouth and continued.


{Tikki's POV}

I was concentrating on reaching Plagg. I'm not sure if he heard me but I hope he did. I looked up at my holder. She was crying and powerless like this. I couldn't watch this happen. I covered my eyes and continued trying to reach Plagg.

{Adrien's POV}

"Adrien!" Plagg whispered from inside my jacket.

"Uhm I'l be right back I gotta make this call." I said to Nino while walking behind the school.

"What is it Plagg?"


"What is wrong with Tikki?"

"She is trying to reach me. I think something is wrong!"

"How and what?"

"I don't know what is wrong. She can't tell me since the connection is too weak. She is to scared. Anyways she is in trouble so transform. I'll lead the way. Since we have. connection I can feel where Tikki is right now."

"Alright. Plagg, claws out!"

I jumped on the roofs of Paris and Plagg was leading me the way in the back of my mind.

"Almost there. In that alleyway!" I heard Plagg in my mind say.

I went to the alleyway and saw 2 silhouettes. One was pinned to the wall and the other one. The other one was touching her I saw when I came closer. When I was even more closer I saw that the girl pinned to the wall raven hair had. And that she small was. Marinette. She was crying and couldn't do a thing. I ran towards them and punched the man away from her.

"Cats are very possessive of what belongs to them! So I better back off if I were you."

"What will you do? Punch me?" The man smirked evil.

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