chapter 9

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{Adrien's POV}

I showed them the note while looking away.

"I-is this r-real?" Sabine asked me and as answer I nodded.

She started crying. Tom tried to cam her down but he failed. Soon they left to report her missing. Alya and Nino had left too. I stood there, in Marinette's room.. All alone.

"Kid, we will find her don't worry." Plagg said to calm him down but Plagg was worried too because he knew that Tikki was with her.

"I-I know Plagg.." I answered.

I walked downstairs and left the bakery. I was walking home and when I arrived I went to my room.

"Plagg. Who would do this to her?" I said while the tears were streaming down my face.

"I..I don't know."

{Marinette's POV}

Darkness. That was the last thing I remembered. I heard someone call my name and I woke up.

"Wake up darling." The voice said.

I woke up and I tried to stand up but then I realised that I was chained up.

"W-where am I?" I asked scared.

I heard someone chuckle but I didn't see anything since I was in a dark room.

"W-who are y-you?"

The person chuckled again and then I heard footsteps leave the room.

"T-Tikki? T-Tikki w-where are you?" I asked in fear but then I realised that Tikki wasn't here.

{Adrien's POV}

I sat down on my bed and tried to forget what happened today. I heard Plagg say something.


I looked around and saw him by the window but he wasn't alone. I saw another kwami. Ladybug's kwami. The kwami was crying and I saw Plagg trying to comfort her.

"A-Adrien. This is Tikki. Ladybug's kwami. Or you can say Marinette's kwami." Plagg said while holding Tikki's hand.

"T-Tikki? Do you know where M-Marinette is?"

"N-no. A-and I can't c-contact her because.. She lost 1 earring." Tikki said while crying.

Then the kwami gave me one of Marinette's earrings and I looked at her thankful.

"Tikki, since Marinette is g-gone do you want to stay here for a while till we find her?" I asked the kwami and I saw her nod.

{Marinette's POV}

"Hey darling." The male said.

He kissed me, I didn't kiss back. I tried to push him away but he was strong. Stronger then me.

"P-please d-don't." I begged him while I heard him chuckle.

He kissed me again but rougher this time. I pushed him away with all my strength.

"That wasn't smart darling I will have to punish you." He said angry.

He slapped me. 2 times. 3 times. 4 times. I couldn't remember how many times. I became dizzy and my vision became blurry. Then everything became black again.After a few hours I woke up again. I wasn't alone. He was here, I saw him smile at me.

"W-what d-do you w-want from m-me?" I asked when he came closer.

"Nothing. I just want you." He said and grabbed my arm tightly.

1 and a half months later

He kissed me again. I walked backwards but I hit the wall. He pushed me against the wall and then.. I slapped him. In his face, I saw he was angry but I didn't care. He threw me against the wall. He kicked ad hit me till I lost consciousness.

When I woke up I realised I was on something soft. I saw that I was tied to a bed. I looked around and I saw him. He came towards me and kissed me again. I didn't kiss him back but I also didn't push him back because I knew there would be consequences, I didn't want that, for my babies.

"P-please d-don't." I begged him but he didn't listen.

He continued and then.. He raped me. I screamed as loud as I could in hope someone would hear me. But they didn't. He kept telling me not to scream but I did anyways.

"W-why." I said sobbing.

He didn't say anything but he came closer. I saw a knife in his hands and he smiled creepy.

Pain. Lot's of pain. I looked down at my leg and I saw blood. Lot's of blood. To make me pass out faster he hit my head against the wall. Everything became black.

{Adrien's POV}

(a week earlier)

I was sitting in my room and looking at the news. Suddenly I got an anonymous text message. I opened the message and I was in shock. I had gotten a video with a text. The text said: 'Miss your girl? Well I made ths video special for you. Hope you'll miss her less.'. I opened the video and saw Marinette tied up in a room.

"Marinette." I whispered but the kwami's heard me and they came next to me to watch the video.

Marinette was tied up in a room. She had bruises and scratches everywhere. Then a man came into te room and Marinette looked scared for her life when she saw him. Then he started kissing her.. She screamed and in return she got hit again. Then the worst part came in. He raped her. He raped my girlfriend. She screamed and begged him to stop while crying.

".. I am going to kill him." I said while standing up angry and sad.

"N-no you c-can't b-become the b-bad guy." Tikki told him.

"Kid, Tikki is right. Let's focus on finding her first. She is strong you know that!" Plagg said while calming Adrien down.

I called Alya and Nino and told them to come over right now. They were here in 10 minutes.


"C-calm down babe." Nino replied to Alya.

"N-no, but I have found something that will help us find her." I said while pointing at the computer.

"A-a video?" Aly asked while she played the video.

Nino and Alya were in shock and shaking.

"H-how will t-this he-help us?" Alya asked.

"Max." I answered confident while I eplained.

"We are going to find her! Finally dude!"

I nodded and Alya jumped in the air. We went to Max to let him track down the location of the video. A couple days later Max had found the location. Now all they needed was a plan.


I received another message of an anonymous person. I opened the message and my heart fell apart.

word count: 1109

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