chapter 15

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Marinette's POV}

It was a normal school day and Alya, Adrien, Nino and I were walking to class. We walked into the classroom and everyone was there except the teacher and a few other students. Alya and I sat down next to each other.

"Akuma alert. Akuma alert. Ladybug and Chat Noir are expected to take care of this situation."

The class ran out of the classroom. Adrien and I looked at each other and went to the bathrooms.

"Tikki, spots on!" I yelled.

"Hey M'Lady." Chat Noir said when I came out.

"Hey kitty. Do you know where the akumatized villain is?"

"No, but you should stay here and protect the students while I fight." Chat Noir said.

"That's not fair!" I said angry.

"Well I want you and our babies to be safe!" He answered and he ran off to search the villain.

"FINE." I mumbled while I walked towards the students.

"Ladybug where were you and why did you show yesterday up after almost 3 months? Chat Noir fought all of those villains alone!" Some students said.

"Sorry, can't tell anyone. Let's just say I was in trouble." I answered them while looking out for the akumatized villain.

"I am Zombizou!"

"Ms. Bustier?" I asked while standing in front of the students.

"Not Ms. Bustier anymore! ZOMBIZOU now!" She yelled.

I attacked Zomizou and she fell. I heard Chat Noir yelling at me when he saw me figh.

"Bugaboo go back inside with the students! I told you not to fight!" He yelled and I didn't leave.

"No! You need help!" I said distracted.

"M"Lady watch out!"

I saw that Zombizou almost punched me in the face but I was faster. I took my yo-yo and made her fall.

"LUCKY CHARM!" I yelled.

"What is that for M'Lady?" Chat asked.

"Give me a minute!" I said while I tried to figure it out.

"Got it! Cover me kitty!" I said while using my lucky charm.


Chat destroyed the lipstick.

"Time to de-evilize!" I said while purifying the akuma.

"Bye bye little butterfly."

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!" I yelled while I threw my lucky charm in the air.

Magical ladybugs fixed everything and Chat Noir came towards me.

"Why didn't you listen?" He asked angry.

"Why would I? I had to help you!" I said angry.

beep beep

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