chapter 16

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{Marinette's POV}

Alya and Adrien sat down next to me. I opened the tv and the video where Adrien and I were fighting is on screen. I looked at the screen and we were just fighting. Then you saw a man grabbing me from behind and my shocked reaction. He threw me against the wall and I was unconscious. Later you saw Chat Noir carrying me out of the building and him leaving.

"That's weird I don't remember hitting the wall."

"Well that's normal but how is your head princess?"

"I guess it hurts a bit." I said and I ate some blueberries.

"Girl, since you are going to confirm it anyways can I get an interview with Ladybug and Chat Noir before anyone else?" Alya asked.

"Of course silly!" I said giggling and I rested my arm on my belly.

"So 3 months left huh?" Alya asked.

"Yea but I wish it to be over sooner. My back hurts and after I eat something I get sick. Let's not forget when these kids kick me." I yawned.

"Tomorrow an interview after school at 5:00. I'll pick you two up." Alya said and left.

I giggled and rested my head on Adrien's lap. He gently stroked my hair and I fell asleep.

{Adrien's POV}

I gently picked Marinette up and tucked her in. I gave her a kiss on her forehead and made myself some dinner. After I finished my dinner I took a shower and went straight to bed.

the next morning

I woke up and Marinette wan't in bed which surprised me. I changed into a usual white shirt and some jeans. I went to the living room and saw Marinette preparing breakfast.

"Good morning kitty! Hungry?" She pointed to the table and I sat down.

"Good morning princess, you are awake early today."

She giggled and we ate our breakfast. Tikki was eating a cookie and Plagg some camembert. After breakfast Marinette cleaned the house a bit since we had a lot of time. Marinette put some cookies in her purse and I put camembert in my backpack. We left and walked to school.

"Good morning Alya and Nino!" Marinette and I said.

"Good morning!" they answered.

We walked to class together and sat down. A couple minutes later Lila came in.

"Can I talk to you Marinette?" she asked and I saw Marinette nod.

They left the classroom and I decided to follow them.

"Break up with Adrien before it's to late understand?!" I heard her say while I walked towards them.

"Why would I Lila?" Marinette answered.

"BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T SOMETHING WILL HAPPEN TO YOU!" Lila said and then she slapped Marinette which caused her to fall.

"What the hell Lila?!" I said while helping Marinette get up.

"It was an accident!" Lie-la lied.

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