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After all of the Madness Alice joined with the scouts to defeat the monster titan that was Rod Reiss, Historia Leading the Finishing blow to be able to take her place as the rightful ruler of the walls.

Alice now stood with Levi As he watched Kenny Ackerman Who lay against a tree Dying. Alice tried not to listen usually she would have listened without a care in the world but something told her this conversation was Private and she should respect it. Levi had stated he lived with him as a kid And wondered if they were Perhaps Family.

"OI. Red head." Kenny Ackerman called out weakly.

"What?." She asked approaching the two.

"I wanted to have a look at your face." Alice was very confused by his statement was he another perv who had a thing for her Unusual fiery red hair. "Levi, shes good." Her guard instantly dropped when she realized that he wasn't some pervert. But she still had no idea what he meant by his words. Levi let out a slight grumble in agreement. "Treat her well."

"Kenny. My last name seems to be Ackerman Too, just what were you to my mother?." He let out a laugh one that pained him very much as he seemed closer to the verge of death.

"Idiot. Just her brother." Both Levi and Alice's eyes were now Completely wide. This had meant Kenny was His uncle all along

"that day why. Why did you leave me?." Levi asked

"because I'm not meant to be someones father." Every word was pain for him every single word he struggled to speak as he got closer and closer to death and more covered in blood.

Kenny reached for something strange And slammed it into Levis chest. Alice had never seen him look so bewildered before.

When they both looked up Kenny Ackerman Was dead.

"Kenny." Levi stated quietly as he looked over the man who was his uncle all this time. Now lay against the tree. Dead.

"Levi." Alice was unsure how to feel at this moment. And she was completely unsure how Levi would be feeling at a moment like this, She subconsciously got closer to the Captain placing her hand on his shoulder in attempt at supplying comfort hoping that he was okay. How would one feel when they find out such news moments before death. "We should Bury him." she stated. all the captain could Muster was a nod.

Levi moved his arm just slightly from where he clutched the Case that Kenny handed to him. Alice moved her hand from his arm slowly but it was stopped. Levis hand grabbed her wrist Gently. Their eyes meeting for just a moment his eyes looking towards the sympathetic look on the red heads face.

And her eyes looking towards the Man who had no idea what to make of his feeling.

"Not yet." He stated quietly. With a nod of the head she placed her hand back onto his arm as he let go of her. Gently she caressed his arm. Gently tracing her hand up and down his arm.

Without thinking she moved in closer to the Captain wrapping her arms around him. "I'm sorry." She muttered as his arms grabbed onto her returning the hug. She was unsure what exactly she was sorry for. if it was the death of his uncle. Or the fighting they had endured for the last week or so. But she meant it she was truly sorry perhaps for all of it.

"I'm sorry too for all the fighting."

"Never mind that right now, you just lost your uncle." Her hand still tracing his arm slowly and gently. He stood from the ground leaving Alice Grip slowly.

"Historia will take her true place As queen tomorrow." He stated changing the subject.

"Yeah we should finish this quickly and head back attempt to sleep. I haven't slept in days." She stated with a slight groan standing from where she crouched.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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