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Alice was now a mean fighting machine with use of ODM gear and mad skills with a knife and gun. Levi had taught her well, and argued profusely with her father for the ODM gear he was now extremely protective and claimed she was only learning these skills for self defense he did not want her engaging in battle. Levi had argued for hours that the use of ODM Gear would give her a serious advance in self defense if ever needed.

Her weight was up to a decent number and she was looking a lot more healthy she was stronger and gaining some muscle now. She was completely different to the small street rat she was before. Alice found the screaming dying down now too Levi stayed with her most nights untill she fell asleep sitting in a chair at the side of her bed those nights were the nights she did not scream out or have horrible nightmares.

Although now the scouts had left on important work she was now only left with the company of some scouts who were not involved in the mission.

"I don't get this game." Alice groaned she was sitting with a scout whose name she forgot multiple times, playing a game of chess. The man laughed as he took the piece from her board. She had already threw the board multiple times in frustration, the man was extremely patient with her and always picked it up and helped explain the complex game.

It went on like this for Days they had been done for a lot longer than the last time and she heard back no word from them either. Things were boring without them around their was only so many games and mindless reading that she could take. She struggled to read but tried her hardest with ever single book reading books humanity's history and the titans many many hours of reading. sounding every word just as Armin had taught her eventually being able to read certain words without the struggle.

More days past more reading books and mindless Chess and the boredom hit further and further worry setting in hard. Was her Father okay? What about Levi had they been eaten by now.

No no way it is not possible. they had to be Alive.

"Smith." The voice of Levi made her jump dropping the book where she had sat.

"You are back wheres Hange? wheres my Dad?. Eren and everyone."

"Lets go see them." Levi lead her outside to a wagon where she was transported for what seemed like forever until eventually reaching a place she did not recognize. She followed Levi into the building through multiple Hallways to a room where Hange had sat on a chair next to a bed. A bed where her father sat. Bandages all around his head.. and his arm Completely torn off.

"Dad." She said aloud surprising herself with the words. "you.... your arm!!!" She was paralyzed stood motionless in her own sorrow. Her father had only one arm how could it be.

"Alice." He said with a slight smile.

"What happened to your arm." His face dropped slightly into a frown while levi took the empty seat at the other end of his bed. Alice seen a seat next to Levi and took a seat not once taking her eyes from her father.

"A Titan got me. I was extremely fortunate not to be eaten."

"A. Titan did this." Her eyes widened. As she stood from her seat throwing it back dropping it to the floor her fists balled tightly into strong fists

"Hey hey, He is Okay now don't get any ideas." Levi said

"Rest assured the Commanders arm was not lost in vain humanity is one step closer." Hange said.

"That's right but i want to say this now while i have the chance.. Should my Demise ever come to play I'm Entrusting Levi to make sure you are Well looked after."

"NOO!" She yelled at the top of her lungs..

"I wont allow it to come to that." Levi yelled more surprised than even Alice.

"I don't mean to scare you it is not my intention but its needed in the event i die, Levi Hange make sure she does not go back down the dark path."

"Rodger." Hange said quietly. Before leaving the room.

"Levi can you leave us for a little bit." Alice asked, Levi reluctantly left the room contemplating the words that were lingering in his mind.

"Father you wont die I wont allow it."

"Their has been so many things happening so many things i cant even begin to explain. We are so close. Humanity is heading down a brand new path one that is one thousand times more dangerous than that last i just need to make my wishes Clear."

"Levi may be a cold man , he has been through alot in his lifetime just like you. But he is a good man. You may not be my biological daughter but I've grown to know you and even..." he stopped for a few moments before taking a seep breath "Forgive me if it is too much but i have grown to love you to me you are my daughter and i want nothing but the best for you."

"I don't understand what you mean , but you cant die your my dad i need you." For a street rat with no memories the concept of love was completely foreign. Was it the warmth she felt when she spoke with Hange, was it the safe and looked after feeling she felt when her father held her at night. Was it the laughter she watched the scouts share many times from the sidelines. Or was it the flutter and pranging feeling in her chest that she felt when Levi was around. Love was a mystery to her

"if their is one person i would want you to grow old with it would for sure be levi." She was not sure what he meant by his statement.

"Erwin, some people are here too see you."

"Alright send them in." He said Alice stood from her chair and pushed it back with her legs following levi out of the room.

"I'm sorry." She said after a few moments of silence.

"Why?. All il be doing is following orders ."

"But you will be lodged with the job of looking after me you do not need to listen to him." She said desperately.

"Alice. It was the first time in a long time he had called her by her first name. "If i did not want to i would not have accepted the order. I want to keep you safe alright. now shut up." He stalked away leaving Alice standing in the hall motionless, stuck. Unsure what to do with herself.

"Oh oh i always suspected Levi may have had a thing for you but i think this confirms my hypothesis."

"Hange when you talk all science i don't get it." Hange only laughed at the bewildered girl before slapping her back.

"Never mind Alice, Lets go we have some work to do."

"Rodger." Although Hange was her best friends she still respected her Military Rank to address her properly when needed. Hange was the closest thing she had to a sibling even if she did not understand her she knew her intentions were true. She was a truly good person.

She had joined a whole group of Good people. Although she still did not trust certain people she was sure they might grow on her after all she had alot to learn about social aspects of life This was just the beginning

Lost memories- a levi Ackerman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now