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Alice stood armed with her gun ready to kill as the squad waited for Levi to come back when she heard rustling of the leaves she immediately jumped to action.

"Its me." Levi returned dragging a man who was beaten up. Everything was violent with him that did not surprise her what did surprise her was who the man was. So much so that she was frozen in fear termbling unable to move.

"He's with the Interior i have questions for him."

"You bastard." His eyes Widened when he saw who yelled. Alice had turned the fear to rage.

"Y..You." But you are supposed to be dead." She quickly got right in his face threatening to blow his brains out at any second if he made one wrong move he was dead.

"You did a shit job of killing me but a good day of leaving me for dead with no memories!." This man was the one who barged her house that day the one from her memories. "All I remember is your stupid face taking me away from a house and beating the shit out of me!."

"Oi oi Enough!." Connie restrained her on levis command they had set a hand signal if Levi ever deemed her dangerous from the day she had firgs became a scout. "Alice you will talk later for now we move."

She was restrained untill it hit nightfall and ghe scouts reached an area far out with nothing but trees and the moonlight as witness Levi began to kick the soldier when he was down ruthlessly relentlessly he seemed to be extremely mad with this man.

"Where are Eren and Historia." He asked Kicking him once again holding his body down with to the dirt with his foot.

"You think your hero's that check point was full of recruits who couldn't wipe their own asses."

"What an atrocious thing we've done. Whats more atrocious is this mouth of yours I recommend you start talking while you're still able to use it." He shoved his foot directly into his mouth making everyone flinch except for Alice.

"Kill the bastard." She yelled wishing she could beat him up herself. She wanted nothing more.

"its no use. All that's left for you is to run and hide inside these walls covered in mud and shit!. If you don't turn yourselves in every last Scout we captured will get the noose. Starting with the one most Guilty of all Erwin Smith!." a rage like never before flew over Alice.

"What did you just say!." Every word that came from her mouth was dragged out and emphasized pulled through gritted teeth, her palms were pulled into fists and her eyes were a deep red the colour was all she could see. The colour of rage.

"Alice! Don't even think about it." Levi signaled for Connie to restrain Alice once again which she struggled from with all of her might using every ounce of strength she had left.

"Let me go to my Fucking dad! I will kill every last one of the Scum Police and the government too make that anyone who gets in my fucking way All of the Interior il slaughter every last one."

Alice was now hysterical everything from all the years since she awoke in the trash with no memories. Every single bad thing hitting her at the one time sending her into a Hysterical frenzy of Madness. "LETTT ME GO." She kick and screamed with all of her might like never before, throwing her head back which Connie dodged if he had not his nose would be broken.

"Your starting to sound like that Brat Eren!! Your Insubordination Is extended after this Brat. Tsk as if baby sitting you was not bad enough now you seem to be going through the rebellious stage of a teenage girl however will i cope." He states sarcastically making Alice struggle more screaming at the top her my lungs. A sharp pain hit her in the Stomach making her cough up a little blood. Levi had Kicked her.

Lost memories- a levi Ackerman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now