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"You have to listen to me." The slapping sound echoes in a young girls ear. The face of a woman in front of her too blurry to make out. What was going on?. "You must always remember Who you are... DONT EVER FORGET THIS. Come back to Him."

The feeling of pulling at her wrists was heavier and heavier by the second but who were these people why were they fighting. What was this Awful sight.

"Oi, Alice." The voice of levi interrupted the dream and the pulling. She awoke in a terrible state, her hair all over as it escaped the hair tie pulling it back. Clearly it had been a restless sleep.

"Oh Captain. Was I screaming again. I'm so sorry if i woke you. I Didn't even think i was having the bad dreams again." He shook his head whole approaching her . The room was still pitch black. the middle of the night she could barely make out his features in the black abyss.

"No you weren't screaming." A slight sigh Escaped her lips. She had been trying so hard not to keep him awake being in the room next door meant he heard all of her screams. "I couldn't sleep and came to see if you were awake. Sorry for waking you." she shook her head politely sitting up in the bed and crossing her legs keeping her legs covered with the blankets.

"No no. I wake you all the time its only fair. But why cant you sleep?." She still could not see his expression but could tell he was doing something with his face. "Do you have nightmares too?." She asked softly . Being the middle of the night they both knew to be quiet if they woke Her father who was at the other side of the wall he may not be happy.


"I see then il sit with you untill you fall asleep." The darkness covered expression changed once again she only wised she could see what his face was doing.

"No. I only came to Check on you and you are fine now go back to sleep their is still plenty of time to sleep."

"I had the strangest dream." Her words made levi halt turning on his heels and closing the door quietly.

"Their was a Woman grabbing a teenage girl I'm not sure if it was me or not.. but she was grabbing her telling her to never forget who she is. And to come back to 'HIM ."

"Do you think its your memories." Levi asked puzzled at how to react to the statement

"I'm not sure. But it felt so strange i just wish i could have seen the faces."

"Maybe it was just a dream." He now stood next to the bed where alice was still sat up

"yeah Maybe."

"Alright brat, Sleep time." He flicked her forehead with his finger slightly not inflicting any pain just a slight tickle.

"Okay." Levi left the room as Alice lay back in her bed. It was pretty much impossible to sleep with the thoughts of the dream lingering in her head so after an hour of tossing and turning she Eventually fell into a sleep.

The same dream creeping into her mind and the same vision of a blurred girl and two figures standing in front of her a woman Pulling at her arms.

"You must Listen to me Protect him at all Costs, Don't ever forget Who you are Come back to him."

"Your our only hope Alice...." another voice yelled as the image showed indeed a young teenage girl. The same way Alice had Looked but she was clean and properly clothed the room she was in looked decent something similar to her current room.

The door of the dream banged open with a start when Military police barged in.

"Alright. Drop the girl Traitors you are coming with us." One solider yelled they were fully equipped with guns and the like but their only seemed to be three of them you could tell they were from the interior.

"Please do whatever you want to us but spare my daughter she does not know any better."

"You hear that, We have to spare her."

"Could always use her for a little fun." The other man yelled soon she was grabbed by the neck too afraid to fight back her face filled with fear and despair as they grabbed her dragging her all the way to the underground. Beating lumps out of her smashing her head into the wall it was too much to handle was this how she ended up where she was who were the people who were yelling at her before the police barged in. Was this a dream or reality

Alice jumped with a start. the dreams were indeed about her and Her breath was completely out, struggling for air.

"Oi." Levi opened the door

"Ah sorry was i screaming."

"No, no screaming its Morning time to get up." He closed the door again almost letting it close fully.

"Levi." He opened the door once again peering his head from the side of the door.

"I had the dream again it was me I remembered more." he took his hand from the door, although hr had no expression she could tell he was shocked.

"Get dressed and come see your dad." Doing as she was told Alice began to get ready for the day placing her military uniform on along with her brown Scouts jacket.

"Morning Alice."

"Good morning dad." She stated walking into a room where her father sat with Levi and Hange awaiting to eat their breakfast. "Morning Hange Levi."

"She remembers stuff." Levi said causing them all to drop what they were doing and pounce to ask questions.

"What do you remember." Erwin asked

"Do you remember before the streets." Hange was looking increasingly invested

"Do you remember your parents are they alive." The words seemed to pain Erwin. Was he afraid of loosing Alice.

"I've been having dreams and they were all blurry but i saw them properly and it was me i was in a house and i was clean must have been 16. And these people were grabbing me telling me never to forget who i am and to protect him at all costs then the interior came in calling them traitors and took them away and they begged them to spare me but the took me to the underground and beat me up that must be how i lost my memories and ended up on the streets."

"If it is true and its your memories then most likely the interior killed them without leaving any traces." Hange stated

"And beating you up to the point you had no memory was their way of keeping you silent of whatever they may have taught you." Erwin stated.

"Sounds like they may have known too much about something they shouldn't have." Levi joined

"Are you okay." Hange asked.

"Yes i'm fine. at least i know that that's possibly how i ended up where i was if it was my parents they took then they protected me till the end so its not so bad."

They nodded their heads.

"Right well anyway lets eat Breakfast." Hange stated.

"Agreed." Levi and Alice said in unison. The four tucked into the food. It was peaceful tranquil quiet.

But she could tell things were only going to turn upside down from now on the uneasy feeling in her stomach filled with dread.

Lost memories- a levi Ackerman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now