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"Thank you Braun" Shawn smiled patting the man on the shoulder before making his way inside the club. His hand immediately shielding his eyes as he tried to get used to the bright strobe lights flashing throughout the building.

"Alright ladies it's time for the Justinasuarus to get to work" the father of one said quickly leaving them to go hit on some poor unsuspecting girl.

"Wait Justin!" Shawn yelled out sighing as he ignored him and continued to walk away. The whole point of him being here was to act as a buffer between him and Hailey that's the only reason he was invited.

"Come on Shawn let's dance" Hailey smiled grabbing the Canadian's hand and dragging him to the large dance floor before he could put up a protest. Sugar's was known to house some of the best DJ's and whoever was up had the club jumping.

The lights were low as the pink, purple, and light blue strobe lights flashed around the club perfectly in tune with the heavy bass of the DJ's mix. Sugar really did go all out with the whole sugar idea. Even the club smelt like candy, which had to cost a lot of money since there, were hundreds of people dancing, sweating, and making out depending on where you were, and Hailey was determined to be one of those people by the end of the night.

The blonde smiled pushing him way through the crowd of gyrating bodies before finding an open spot on the floor. She turned around and wrapped her arms around Shawn's neck and began to move her hips to the beat.

"H-h-Hailey" Shawn stuttered as the hazel-eyed girl turned around and began to grind her ass against him. The Canadian didn't know what he should do, usually he would happily be dancing against the blonde, but ever since that ill-fated phone call and now realizing that the baby momma still had feelings for him, he didn't want to risk it.

"Shawn" Hailey moaned grinding her ass against the Canadian's crotch. She was going to make it her goal that by the end the night she would be turned the other way with a naked Shawn beneath her.

The boy didn't know what to do or where to even put his hands. He didn't want to give the blonde the wrong idea as far as he was concerned there was no way him and the blonde would be getting back together.

Too much time and drama has happened between them. He was no longer that naïve high school in love with the idea of being in love. He had his heart broken once by the blonde and he wasn't about to go back to that.

Hailey was just a friend. In fact, she was her best friend the girl who could come too for anything regardless of what time it was and he did not want to risk that by having sex with her. So with that in mind he slowly pulled away from the dancing girl.

"I'm going to go get us some drinks!" He yelled over the music. If he could he would have headed home, but that would have just made things more awkward and he was sure Hailey would just find an excuse to follow him.

"Okay" the blonde nodded turning around and wrapping her arms around the boy's neck.

"Can you get me a cherry sour" she seductively whispered in the boy's ear.

"Alright" the Canadian nodded shrugging out of the blonds hold. It was quite obvious Hailey was pulling out all the stops to get him to bed. He smiled softly before heading towards the bar pushing and squeezing through the hordes of horny and desperate people in the club.

Sure he liked to go out and have a good time and possibly end up taking some girl home to spend the next couple of hours with, but tonight he really wasn't in the mood to do any of that.

With Hailey being clingy and everything that happened with him and Camila still fresh in his mind he kind of just wanted to chill. Especially now that he was working with the one and only Ariana Grande in a role that could jump start his career.

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