Mei: Pfft, I'm messing with you, hurry uuupppp

Glad to see you're no longer mopey, be there soon :Izuku

Mei looked back up smiling for the first time the news dropped. Nezu noticed and relaxed but didn't let up with his preparations, if he was lucky all this life support would be unneeded but he knew his place in the universe, underneath a never ending series of unfortunate events.

The door burst open a few minutes later and the large figure clearly identifiable as Venom walked in with a black veined Rai, cradled in his arms.

'Over here Venom, this bed.' Nezu said standing next to the prepped bed

'Got it rodent.' The chimera flinched, 'What's with all the machines.'

'Just in case.'

'You don't trust me?'

'I've learnt it's better to be overprepared than caught off guard.'

'Wise words rodent, wise words'

At this point Izuku decided to wake up and automatically take control, just as Rai was placed down onto the bed.


Nezu chuckled, 'I can see that, now please sit with Mei, I want to talk with you three about a few things.' The two girls glanced at each other before occupying the other prepped bed, Mei snuggling into Izuku's lap, letting the green heads hair run across her face. Nezu smiled, for once in his long life, he genuinely smiled, no malice or world domination... just happiness.

'Now what I'm going to ask... it's going to be a lot but with the dorms coming in, in under a week, me and Shota need to know a few things, ok?' Izuku nodded and Mei just pointed towards the greenete, agreeing with whatever Izuku did. 'Good... now my one and only question... what are the rules?'

Mei glanced up at Izuku who looked down questioningly. Mei understood and nodded her eyes so Izuku could explain. Izuku understood and took a deep breath.

'Rule number one, when not somewhere safe with people we trust, I wear Venom and am known as Venom.'

Nezu nodded, 'Who are these people may I ask.'

'Me, Mei, Rai, David, Sir and Meli when I see her again. You and uncle Shota are two new additions.'

'Please continue.'

'Rule number two, stay away from all forms of public anything, healthcare, transport, police. If not possibly and are drilled for answers about me, stick to the story.'

Nezu nodded again, 'Would you mind telling me the story.'

Izuku nodded, 'Izuku Yagi turned up on our doorstep while on death's doorstep, we healed her, helped her and know everything about her and her past. Any more information is currently not available and if you want to get more you need to prove yourselves.

Nezu nodded, 'Rule 3?'

'When in legal or public trouble call Rai, physical trouble call me and confrontations Mei.'

Nezu chuckled, 'Why Mei for confrontations.'

'BECAUSE I'M SCARY' Yelled said girl

'My scary bean.' Izuku replied

Nezu sighed, 'Please don't tell me you've been using the internet.'

'No, Mina calls be and Mei the bean couple so I'm now green bean and Mei's scary bean.'

'Rargh' Mei growled


Nezu chuckled, 'I see. Now any more rules?'

'Two more. Rule four, we can only agree to share my identity or the rules if me and someone else on that list agree, or the majority of that list agree if I'm not available.'

'The final rule?'

'Rule five, anyone who touches Mei in an inappropriate way dies by either me or Rai.'

'I see, add me to that list.'

'Of course uncle!'

'Good, now you two are exempt from all lessons today and this room will be all yours, Chiyo agreed. Now rest, you four will have a lot to talk about when Rai wakes up.

The two girls nodded at the ratgod made his way out of Chiyo's office, making sure the door was locked behind him and the only key was secured around his neck.

'It seems we have another puppet master working behind the scenes again' He hummed walking towards his office, 'Or maybe HE'S still alive... dear god if HE is, I hope Izuku can end the threat more quickly than the man who crippled him but got crippled in the first place.'

His door swung open and he made his way to his desk.

'Actually thinking about it, that Nomu seemed to hold multiple quirks from the reports. This links Shigaraki to him... and since Izuku took the man's hands, I can only assume Shigaraki was some sort of successor. Dear god, I don't know who to be more scared of, All for One Izuku when she finds out that it was that man who forced the law.'

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