Chapter 7

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2021, Seoul. Kim Law Firm.

"What were we talking about before I left to take the call?" Taehyung asked as soon as he entered my cabin again.

"We were just waiting for lunch. Who were you talking to?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.

"One of my clients-- more like a good friend. He will be getting divorced quite soon so he was just asking me some questions about the law." He replied with a slight chuckle.

"Oh?" I replied as my eyebrows rose up a bit.

One of his friends, getting divorced and having a conversation with him more than the lawyer-in-charge doesn't really sit well with me.

"Yeah, it's nothing serious." Taehyung replied with his hands waving in front of his face.

"Is he your long time friend?" I asked, I have-- I need to know more.

"Well you can say so. We were college mates. He got a girlfriend back then-- college sweethearts but now they both fell out of love. The divorce is mutual, no hard feelings. They don't want the relationship to turn toxic so they're parting ways correctly." Taehyung answered honestly.

"What about you? You never had any girlfriend or boyfriend?" I asked, shifting on my chair uncomfortably, waiting for his reply.

"Well, I was too busy daydreaming about yo--umm law that I didn't really have the time. Also, I feel love is something that gets to you. It finds you rather than you looking for it. If it hasn't found me yet, I feel my Mr. Right is still somewhere out there pushing a door that clearly says 'pull'." He replied with a small giggle.

I stared at him, my lips curving upwards with a fond smile.

What if I say that your Mr. Right is sitting right beside you?

I gulped and shook my head at this sudden thought that crossed my mind. I shouldn't think about him in this way but I just can't even stop-- more like I don't want to stop.

"Anyway, till lunch doesn't come, I wanted to ask you something, Sir." Taehyung suddenly spoke up with a small smile.

"Go ahead." I replied with a nod.

Why would I ever tell him no?

"What happened last year? What went wrong? I have heard bits and pieces of the story-- more like rumours. I want to know the actual truth from you, if you tell me." Taehyung asked with a careful tone.

I sighed at his question because I knew this would come up some day or the other. And for very obvious reasons I can't lie to him.

"Last year, right before Thanksgiving, a man had come to meet me. He asked me to take up his case. I would have, that's what I do but I didn't because he confessed that he is the real culprit. He offered me a sum of 100 million won but Prosecutor Jeon Jungkook can do a lot of things for the law, he can even go against the law if it means to accept the truth. Money cannot buy me." I said with a proud voice.

I looked at him and he had a small smile. The smile that screamed that he is proud of me too.

"Well right after, I had a talk with Hoseok. I told him everything but of course I didn't have any evidence against the person-- Lee Parkinson. But later on Hoseok held another meeting with him and asked me to accept his offer." I said with a deep breath.

Taehyung looked at me with confused eyes as I laughed slightly.

"No don't worry, we didn't do anything wrong. Just hear me out first." I said a bit chuckling.

Yours truly, Attorney.🤍 (TAEKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now