Chapter-6 Gunshot

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Few hours later...

''Wait, Where is Stacy? She always call me or message me when I don't attend the college. I should call her.'' I said to myself.

I picked up my phone and called her.

''Hello Stacy!''

''Hello? Hannah, How are you?'' She asked.

''I am fine.'' I replied.

''I am sorry I should have called you. Umm, Actually i was lost in my imaginary world. I'll be straight to you, i think i like someone from our college."

''Oh really? Who is that someone?'' I asked.

"I will tell you everything tomorrow in college.''

''Umm, I am not coming tomorrow.'' I replied.

''What? Why? Everything is cool now. Don't need to worry about those assholes, okay?.'' said Stacy.

''No, not because of them. I will tell you everything later. You have fun in your imaginary world, come on who fell for someone so easily, in just a day? and especially when I was absent.''

"Haha, it's not just one day. It's been few days, well haven't you listened Sweet night by V, "how could i know, one day I'll wake up feeling more." So this is what happened with me, okay? ah! I can't share everything on phone. I'll tell you whenever you will come to college."

"Haha Ok, I got it!"

"GoodBye and take care!" I said.

''You too, Byee!''

Then I went to sleep.

The next day...

I woke up and heard some noises coming from the neighbourhood. I checked from my window and saw police, neighbours, Mom and Dad were standing and discussing something. I realised I am the only one who is not there. I fresh n up myself and went down. Policeman was asking something from a little girl.

''Who is she?'' I said to myself in a low voice.

''She is the granddaughter of Mr. Beth.'' said Zach standing behind me.

''Why you always standing behind me?''

"That sounds sweet, huh? I am always there behind you."

"Ah cut the cackle, and what did you just said, Mr. Beth's granddaughter? That means Steve's daughter? Steve is here?'' I asked.

''Yaa, Obviously.'' he replied.

Steve is one of my childhood friend. We actually had a group in which Zach was my best friend. Mark, Steve, Gracy, Miley, Ben, Zach and I were good friends. After the fight we stopped talking and later they all went to their colleges at different places. Steve is the eldest in all of us. I really miss them a lot. We don't talk since then so I don't even know about their current lives. They rarely come to visit their family and neighbours but they never come to meet me. Zach is in contact with all of them. I am the only one who has those memories and nothing else.

"What's happening there.?'' I asked him.

''I don't know, go and ask them.'' he said rudely.

I went forward to know why and what the police are doing.

''Okay, You can go and play now.'' said the Officer to that girl.

''What happened?'' I asked.

''Miss. Hannah we got the information. We checked the CCTV footage someone came here last night to kill you but he returned back as this place was quite crowded yesterday night, his face wasn't visible in the cameras but this child and some other people were present when that guy came here. We showed them the pictures of John Carter's family members and they recognised one of them - John's Brother William."

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