" Poor,Single and Taken "

Start from the beginning

"I saw Steve yesterday." Blake said, searching his vest pockets for the door key.

Jac always felt physically sick at the any mention of her used-to-be-best-gay-friend butler and the cringe worthy affair her father had committed. Sometimes, she considered the Felix children lucky. She'd rather have daddy issues than daddy-can't-keep-his-hands-to-himself issues anyday. "And?"

"I thought you'd want to know," Blake shrugged, finally pulling out a bronze key. "You seemed pretty interested in him a couple of weeks ago."

"Well what happened?"

"Apparently, he's moving to Hollywood to make a splash in the movie world."

Jac snickered. She knew Steve well enough to know that he was probably fleeing the city in case her father's secret spread any further.

"What did he do to you anyway?" Blake asked curiously.

Jac wasn't keen on telling any strangers - especially peasants -  about her business. Even if they did have nice hair and pretty eyes.  "It's best to just drop it. Whats done is done." To stop any further questions, she reached for the doorknob.

"Wait!" Blake exclaimed. "Just one more question."

"It can't be about Steve."

"Its not," Blake said, smiling timidly now. "If a guy in a ridiculous uniform wanted to ask out a girl whose sunglasses probably cost more than his life insurance.....what do you think the girl would say?"

Jac forced her jaw not to drop. Literally only five days after a break up and she was already getting asked out. She was relieved she'd put on her sunglasses upon entering the hotel or he would clearly see more prominent blush on her face. "Interesting pick-up line."

A blush appeared , accenting his cheeky grin.

'Oh what the hell? If Damon is moving on, so can I,' She thought triumphantly to herself. Besides, none of the boys at Alabaster were good enough for her anyway. "I think that girl would say 'what do you have in mind?'"

Blake outstretched his hand and Jac stared at it for nearly a minute before realizing he wanted her phone. Carefully, she handed one of her many babies over to him, praying silently that he'd know to be gentle with the diamond Chanel case.

He tapped her phone screen repeatedly before pulling out his own and Jac was almost taken aback by the fact he had a Samsung all the way from 2013. 'I really don't know the struggle,' She thought to herself humorously.

He handed her phone back to her. "I'll, um, I'll text you."

Before Jac could answer him, Eve swung the hotel door open - and frowned in disdain when she took in the view before her.  "Can you please hand me my bags and stop eyeing my daughter like she's a lottery ticket?"

Blake straightened his collar nervously, obviously intimidated by the gorgeous woman scowling at him. Wordlessly, he began unloading the cart and handing the bags to Eve who then tossed them on to the red velvet Queen-sized bed in the large hotel room.

Jac moved past her mother and into the room, taking in the large windows overlooking the city streets, the satin draped curtains, Picasso portraits hanging on the creme' colored walls, and the posh personal bathroom. For a hotel room, the place could be mistaken for a mini condo. 

Blake didn't dare say a word to Jac. Instead, he quickly retreated after his work was done and Eve slammed the door behind him.

"You don't have to be so mean." Jac retorted. Blake was proving to not be like the usual commoners she ran into. The ones who were so jealous that they quickly dismissed the wealthy as snobby, uptight losers who were missing out on "real living" - frankly, the snobby part was true in Jac's opinion.

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