Batur could not help the smile that tugged on his lips upon seeing them together. 

Once Ceyda was calm, Konur gently sat her against the wall, wiped away his tears and left to sit by the fire. 

Ceyda gazed around, calmly, processing where she was. Then, furrowed her brow, " not Balgay's tent..."

Batur frowned. He slowly grabbed the ropes and tied her hands once again.

"Wait a minute...Batur? K-Konur? Did...did you bring me here?"

Batur glanced at Konur, but he did not respond, only staring at the fire. "We brought you here, Ceyda."

"Why?" Ceyda controlled her anger.

"For you," Konur answered. 

"Are you going to decide what is best for me?"

"If you will not then yes, I will!" Konur snapped, his anger returning. "I thought you would have come to your senses by now, but it looks like you have not! You still think about that dog, Balgay!"

"I can take care of myself, Konur!"

"Yes, that's clear!"

"If you hadn't kidnapped me, I would have found out why-" Ceyda stopped. She could not tell anyone about her mother.

Batur furrowed his brow and watched Ceyda expe "Found out what Ceyda?"

"It's none of your concern."

"Really?!" Konur yelled.

"Yes, really! Now, excuse me. I have somewhere to be." She was about to get up when something held her down. Ceyda looked behind her to see she her hands were tied together. "You tied me up?"

"You can't leave."

"Untie me!"


"Untie me now, Konur! Batur! I need to go! Please, I need to know. I need to know what she was doing there!"

Batur sat straighter and Konur listened harder. "Who?"

Ceyda looked between the two, hesitating. "M-my notes... Konur, did you find it?"

"Find what-" Konur suddenly remembered the paper that was attached to the tree. He took it out and read it. "This..."

"Balgay's plans, the number of guards, soldiers, Mongols, everything. I can find out more than this, Konur. We will destroy Balgay from the inside."

Batur considered this and smiled at Ceyda, "MashaAllah to my sister."

Ceyda sniffed back tears and smiled hopefully, "Batur Abi, let me go." 

Batur and Konur exchanged glances, then Konur shook his head and commanded, " will stay here."

Ceyda frowned, "Wha-"

"For now...I will tell Osman Bey about this first. Then, we will decide...together. Understand?"

Ceyda clenched her fist and Batur noticed. "Of course," she lied.

Sabır (Patience) - Kurulus OsmanWhere stories live. Discover now