Chapter 1

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Felix angrily sighed while walking into the kitchen. "Chan, why the hell did you tell mom about what happened between me and Hyunjin?" Chan looked up from his bowl of cereal and sighed. "Because she has a right to know that you tried sleeping with his dad. Aka a grown man!" Chan spat back, "You're such a whore you know that right?" Felix giggled at Chan's negative comment while digging through the freezer and pulling out a popsicle.

"Oh you don't even know the half of it, Channie." Felix seductively said. He unwrapped the popsicle and sucked on the tip lightly while looking his older step brother in the eyes. "See you at school, loser." Felix winked and made his way outside to meet up with Jisung and Minho. Chan sat there with a deep blush on his face.

Chan angrily sighed and got ready for school. Chan has just about had it with Felix. They have been step brothers for years. They used to get along when they were kids, but as they got older Felix changed. Felix became more careless with things while Chan cared about everything.

Chan remembered the moment Felix started to change. It was when he got his first ever boyfriend back in 8th grade. Felix started growing an interest in dating at a young age, yet Chan never understood the point behind relationships. Felix became sexually active during his freshman year. Chan remembered Felix excitedly knocking on his door that night and telling him all that happened.

Chan and Felix quickly became very different. Felix grew up being interested in sex, drugs, and popularity. Chan grew up being interested in quite the opposite. He spent most of his days with Seungmin and Jeongin playing video games and talking about their favorite anime characters.

Him and Felix used to be inseparable. When his dad married Felix's mom, they were only about 6 and 7 years old. They spent their whole childhood together and were basically best friends. Chan felt his heart break a little when their bond started to die as they both got older. Felix used to always knock on Chan's door at night whenever he was scared and couldn't sleep. They would hold each other at night while they slept peacefully together.

Chan missed when his little brother was nice and cared for him. The second high school hit, their whole relationship basically went down the drain. Felix became a hoe and Chan hated it. Felix flirted with just about anything that was hot and had a penis, Chan included.

When 10th grade rolled around, Felix started flirting with his older brother. He would joke around with him in a seductive way and intentionally teased his step brother in ways that were morally wrong. This has carried on for nearly two years. The boys were both seniors now. Felix was 17 and Chan was 18.

Chan couldn't say he hated the attention Felix gave him because that was far from the case. Chan felt guilty for enjoying the flirting that Felix often did. Chan knew deep down it was wrong especially since they were brothers. It didn't matter if they weren't blood related, it was still wrong.

Chan sighed and got ready for school. He made his way to the front door to grab his keys and jacket and head out to school. On his way out he noticed Felix forgot his book bag for the second time that week. Typical. Chan grabbed the bag and made his way towards school.

Chan searched the halls desperately trying to find his younger brother before the bell rang. Chan ran down the main hallway to see Felix sucking face with his boyfriend, Changbin. "Hey idiot! You left your shit at the house again. Stop forgetting it." Chan said while throwing the bag at the brunette. "Aw, Channie. You don't have to be so mean to me. I simply forgot is all." Felix snickered, causing Changbin to giggle. Chan rolled his eyes before storming off. Felix truly was a pest that Chan couldn't wait to get rid of.


It was fourth period and the day was almost over. Chan sat there, bored out of his mind. "Hey, Mr. Kim, can I use the restroom please?" Chan asked, interrupting the lesson. "Yes, but the next time you interrupt my lesson again, you'll get detention." the whole class laughed, causing Chan to blush in embarrassment. "Y-yes. I am sorry." Chan quickly made his way to the bathroom.

"Big brother! Fancy seeing you here." Felix joked once Chan entered the bathroom."Ew, a roach. Somebody step on it please." Chan responded while walking to the mirror to fix his hair.

"I truly don't see why you dislike me so much. I'm such a good brother aren't I?" Felix giggled once again. Chan watched Felix slowly approach his side through the mirror. Felix tucked Chan's hair behind his ear and smirked. "You may act like you hate me, but I know you don't, Channie. The blush on your face says it all." The shit eating grin on Felix's face only got bigger once he saw his brother's reaction.

"See you at home." Felix waved off and left the bathroom. Chan watched as the boy's bathroom door closed. He swallowed a lump in his throat and pushed his hair back with his hand. Why was Felix constantly messing with him like this? It was so fucked up. Brothers shouldn't flirt with each other, blood related or not. Chan knew it was fucked up, but what was even more fucked up, was that Chan secretly enjoyed it. Something he wouldn't dare admit to anybody, especially Felix.

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