Chapter eight

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"You're not to touch her!"

"Says who?"

"The Dark Lord! She belongs to me!"

"How come you get a little pet and I don't?"

Hermione heard voices arguing as she began to wake up. apparating always made for feel sick but she'd never passed out before. Maybe it was from being hungry. She was so hungry. Stretching she realised she wasn't tied up or chained to anything but as her eyes adjusted to the light she saw she was in cell.

"Rod no!" She definitely recognised Bellatrix' voice but she had no idea who the other was. "You're drunk!"

They were now both in the dungeon and the man who she now assumed was Rodulphas, Bellatrix' husband, was pointing his wand towards her through the bars.

"Put that away." Bellatrix yelled before being smacked across the face and falling to the floor.

"This is my home. You do what I say," The death eater said walking closer to Hermione "and I want to have a look at our new toy."

Hermione felt her body cringe every time he called her that. Her heart raced as he unlocked the door with a flick of a wand. Hermione used what little strength she had to move to the other side of the cell.

He had a look in his eyes she'd never seen before. Not even Bellatrix had looked at her in that way.

"Stupify!" A flash hit the death eater sending him flying back into the wall behind him. Hermione watch Bellatrix walk over to the cell. "Come with me." She said and Hermione followed. Bellatrix lead her to a different cell.

Hermione hesitated for a second before being pushed through the door and on the the hard stone floor.

"What if he—"

"Don't worry pet, if he tries to touch you again I'll kill him." She said before turning to walk away. "I think I'll start calling you pet. Calling you mudblood all the time is getting boring." She said as she levitated her husband back up with her.

Hermione could help but notice her walking with a limp. Even if she was a heartless monster Hermione could help but feel bad for her.

Not You Fault (a bellamione story)Where stories live. Discover now