Chapter seven

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Bellatrix inhaled slowly trying to calm herself down. She wanted nothing more then to rid the world of filth but now she was being forced to keep one alive.

The Death eater hadn't slept for about a day and a half now. She wasn't as young as she used to be and the exhaustion was quickly catching up to her. As soon as her head hit her pillow she fell into a deep sleep but her dreams were plagued with the horrors of her past.

"Mistress, Bella?" Bellatrix woke with a start to find her house elf Gilly poking her gently. "S-Sorry but Miss Narcissa wants to speak with you, now."

Bellatrix let her eyes adjust to the afternoon light only to see her sister standing right behind the elf.

"You could have just woken me up yourself." Bellatrix said sitting up in bed realising she was still fully dressed.

"I could have, but your elf doesn't do much around here since she can only take orders from Blacks." Narcissa look displeased.

"She was your elf too Cissy, or do you remember nothing of our childhood?" Bellatrix said with a smirk. "Why do you need to speak with me so early any way?"

"First of all, Gilly would you tell Bella what time it is?"

"Almost three in the afternoon ma'am." Gilly said in a sharp voice before the old elf was excused from the room.

"Thank you Gilly."

"Other then the time what else could you possibly want to tell me?" Bellatrix said getting out of bed and sitting in an arm chair.

"It's about Granger."


"The mudblood you have chained up in my basement!" She yelled. "If you are going to torture her into insanity I'd rather you do it in your own home." She said a little calmer. "You have half an hour to get her out of this house. I don't want Draco exposed to this."

Narcissa left the room closing the door with a slam. Bellatrix felt her face flush red. Kicked out by her own sister.

"GILLY!" Bellatrix yelled and her house elf popped into the room. "Gather my things and meet me out side the manor. Do it quickly."

Gilly nodded and got to work packing all Her Mistress's robes, book and other things, while Bellatrix headed down to the dungeon.

"Wake up." She said in a stern voice she didn't have anytime to play with her today. "I said wake up."

One kick was enough for the mudblood to stand up. Bellatrix saw the girl watch in confusion as she undid her chains.

"What are you—"

"You don't shut up do you?"


"There you go again! Just be quiet!" Bellatrix began to tie her up with rope. Any magical bindings would disappear once they apparated and she just wanted to get this over with. Bellatrix was quite surprised when the mudblood didn't fight back.

She dreaded going home to her husband but if Cissy wanted her gone she had no other choice.

"I'm taking you back to my Manor." She said knowing that's what the mudblood was going to ask.

"I thought you lived here?" Hermione asked and all The death eater could do was roll her eyes.

"You really thought I live her with my sister? What did The Dark Lord say you were again? Brightest witch of your age?" She gave a laugh. "People used to call me that too."

"And look where you ended up."

"Do you have a death wish or something." Bellatrix stopped fiddling with the ropes and looked the girl in the eyes. She had pretty brown eyes. In fact, the mudblood was very beautiful. Not that she'd ever admit that.

Hermione gave no response and stayed quite for the rest of the time, Other then a small yelp as Bellatrix levitated her up the steps and outside to where Gilly was waiting for her. Then with a crack they were gone.

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