Chapter four

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"What's going to happen to me?" Hermione asked Lucius as he placed her on the floor of the cellar. It was stupid and unlike her to try and plead for help from the enemy but it was worth a shot. Maybe he'd at least giver her answers.

"I don't know." He said refusing to look at her. He left, walking over to a dark part of the seemingly endless dungeon. Only to return with a bowl of water and some cloth. "Here drink this. I don't know what he'll want with you but I'm sure he'll want you alive."

As Hermione took a deep drink from the metal bowl, only now realising how thirsty she was, Lucius wrapped her cut with the cloth.

"Why are you being so nice to me?" Hermione asked. He only scoffed.

"If you think I'm being nice to you then I pity how you've been treated. Not that I could ever find myself pitying a mudblood." Seemingly to prove a point he tightened to cloth a little too much causing Hermione to wince in pain. Then he placed a chain around her foot and left without another word.

Hermione heard screaming upstairs. First Bellatrix' then Lucius. She feared for the worst. If he'd torture his own followers what would he do to her? It looked like she wouldn't have to wait long to find out. She heard the echoed steps of someone coming down to the cellar. Hermione tried to sit herself up against the brick wall behind her to show at least a little Gryffindor bravery.

"So this is Hermione Granger, brightest witch of her age, friend of the boy who lived, and mudblood." He said in a mocking tone. Hermione looked at him. She refused to break eye contact even if she wanted nothing more then to curl up into a ball. Behind him she saw Bellatrix. Though she didn't seem as intimidating as before.

"What do you want from me?" Hermione asked weekly. She wanted to sound strong but she didn't have the energy.

"Simple." He said in his icy voice. "I want information. If you aren't going to give it to me... maybe you'll tell Bellatrix."

"What makes you think I'll tell either of you anything."

"Bellatrix." He said gesturing to her. Hermione felt her skin peel from her body as every inch of her set on fire. She screamed but nothing came out. Then suddenly it was over. The Cruciatus Curse only left a slight tingle on her skin.

"Well done Bella." She heard him say as she began to fall back into unconsciousness. "I'm going to let you keep her, find me information or you might just run out of chances."

All Hermione could think about were the horrors to come as she feel into a dream less sleep.

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