Chapter one

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Bellatrix sat on the edge of her bed slowly untying the laces of her boots. It had been 2 years since she'd escaped Azkaban but she didn't feel the same. She come to except, as much as she didn't like it, that things would never be the same. She'd always been different. Growing up she was never like her sisters. It brought shame to the family.

Sometimes she had wondered if it was all worth it. Disgusting mudbloods and muggles we're living peacefully while she was left to rot in a cell. Her dark lord not coming back. Bellatrix had given up.

Sighing Bellatrix got up from her bed letting her corset and robes fall to the fall. She walked to her bathroom. Looking in the mirror she saw a face she didn't even recognise. It was her but it wasn't her. She was old and grey. Her skin yellowed, her teeth black. She had been so beautiful but years of malnourishment and abuse had left her scars that ran deeper the flesh. Her wrists were bumpy and raised from the chain she so desperately tried to remove.

When she closed her eyes at night all she could think about were them. The Dementors. How cold they were. How they dug up all the things she wanted to forget, that she had forgot.

She turned on the tap and soaked a cloth in warm water. She was about to rub off her makeup when she heard yelling from down stairs. The manor was always so quite. She knew something was wrong. She'd only just taken her clothes off but she found her self putting them back on, not bothering to lace anything properly. She needed to be quick. Cissy could be in danger. Grabbing her wand she hurried out her room towards the source of the noise.

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