Chapter five

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"We have to go back Harry! Those monsters still have Hermione!" Ron yelled as they landed from apparating.

"Ron." Harry said grabbing him trying to calm him down.

"If they hurt her I'll kill them!" He continued as tears started to fall down his face and Harry pulled him into a brotherly hug. "I'll kill them..."

"We'll get her back Ron," Harry said whipping away his own tears. "We'll get her back."

"Dobby—" Harry went to ask Dobby where they were but then he saw it. Dobby has Bellatrix' dagger in his small chest. "NO!" He yelled running forward to catch they dying elf.

"Harry Potter." Dobby said softly as his big bug like eyes stared up at the boy who freed him. "Dobby is so happy to be with friends." His eyes closed. She'd killed him. First his God father and now Dobby.

"Harry! Ron! Quick get inside!" The boys turned around to see Remus Lupin running towards them across the field. "Hurry get into the house it's not safe out in the open."

Dobby had taken them to Mrs Tonks' home and as much as Harry was grateful to be sleeping in a bed he couldn't help feel uneasy. Maybe it was how much Andromeda looked like her sister.

"I'm sorry about your elf friend." Andromeda said sitting next to Harry on the sofa. "I want you to know as much as I look like my sisters I'm nothing like them. You'll always have a place here in this home if you need it."

Harry felt guilty. Mrs Tonks was so nice. She was like Sirius. Just born into a family with an ideology they didn't share.

"Thank you." He said and truly meant.

"Harry! Andy!" Remus yell from the other room. Then Harry heard it. A baby crying. Nymphadora had given birth to a beautiful baby boy with blue hair. His name was Teddy Lupin and Harry was proud to be his God father.

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