New Year's Special

Start from the beginning

            “How do I look?” I ask her, stepping into her room a bit. She was at her desk working on something. She looked up and looked at me. “You look pretty Heather!” she said to me. “Thanks. Where’s mom and dad?” I asked her. “Downstairs in the living room.” She told me, turning back to her paper. “Aren’t you going to spend New Year’s Eve with them?” I asked her. “Yeah, but I want to finish this drawing first.” She said.

            “What are you drawing?” I asked, moving towards her desk. “A 2013 sign.” She said, showing me her drawing. “Is Jenny picking you up?” she asked me as I walked towards her door. “Yeah. I’ll tell her you said hi.” I said. “Good. Get out of my room now.” She said, as I walked out of the room. “Shut your face twerp!” I said closing the door. “Don’t call me that!” she shouted through the door.

            I walked downstairs to the living room and found my dad watching TV. I said hi to him and walked into the kitchen where my mom was cooking. “What are you cooking? It smells good.” I said, walking up behind her. “I’m making some stuffing for our chicken that’s in the oven.” She said, giving me a spoonful of stuffing. I took the spoon and ate the stuffing. “Mmmm, that’s some good stuffing.” I said to her. “If you weren’t going out, you would get to eat some.” She said, turning and facing me.

            “Mom, you know I didn’t even want to go. Jenny is forcing me.” I tell her, walking to the fridge and getting a bottle of Gatorade. “Well, don’t fall into peer pressure.” She says to me. I take a seat on a barstool and take a sip of my Gatorade. “Mom, this isn’t peer pressure, this is Jenny pressure. Its ten times worse.” I say to her. My mom smiles and turns back to the stove.

            My phone started ringing and I knew it was Jenny. “Hello?” I answered. “I’m outside.” She answered. “Okay. Coming.” I said, hanging up. I got up and gave my mom a quick hug. “You look pretty. Have fun.” She said, saying goodbye to me. I jogged through the living room and gave my dad a high five before walking out of the front door.

            I got to Jenny’s car and noticed that her brother Leo was sitting in the passenger seat. I got into the back and said hi to Leo. “Hey sexy Leo.” “Hey sexy Heather.” He said back. Leo was Jenny’s twin and me and him were really close. Us three are like the three musketeers. We’ve known each other since 3rd grade and we’ve spent a lot of time together. Leo and I actually dated back in 10th grade but we broke up because it was working between us. We figured out that we were better as friends.

            “Where’s your significant other?” I asked Leo. “She’ll be meeting us at the party.” He answered. “Where’s your significant other?” I asked Jenny. “She’ll be meeting us at the party.” She answered. Jenny is bisexual and there is a girl that she is seeing at the moment. I’m not sure that they will last because Jenny has been seeing Jake behind the girls back. I do not want to be there when they break up.

            “Where’s your significant other? Oh wait, you don’t have one!” Leo joked. “Ha ha ha. That was so funny that I almost forgot to laugh.” I said, kicking Leo’s seat a bit. “Kick my seat one more time and watch what happens.” Leo threatened jokingly. I kicked his seat again and he turned and pretended to glare at me. “You’re luck she’s driving.” He said, turning back.

            We pulled into the Kroger parking lot and Jenny pulled up near the entrance. “Hurry up Heather. I’m not supposed to park here.” Jenny said to me. I opened the door, gave Leo’s chair another kick, and got out. I stuck my tongue out at Leo and walked towards the entrance of Kroger.

            I spotted Duke at register three. He had customers so I walked to the fried next to his register and pulled out 3 Pepsi’s and 3 Monsters. I put it on the conveyer belt thingy and waited for my turn. The other customers payed and walked away. Duke looked at the drinks and smiled. He knew it was me because I always buy Pepsi’s and Monsters.

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