explanation + authors note

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So, basically Jin is the one of the left and his dying lover is on the right. She likes to watch the stars with him but since she was bedridden she couldn't. She knows she's dying and has accepted it, but he is unable to. And he keeps telling her to live because if she's gone his heart will break.

She tries to convince him to end her life so that she doesn't die in misery but with his loving gaze as the last thing she sees. But he thinks she is selfish and is only thinking about her pain and not his that would inflict itself on him after she is gone.

She tried to convince him again by saying that she will forget him soon, because of her disease and that he should end her fast so that she doesn't have to die not remembering the love of her life. But he couldn't bring himself to do it.

And when she does, he's hurt when she looks at him like a stranger, as if all their love has gone to waste. All she asks him why he looks at her like she's someone very important, who he had lost.

Finally the disease has taken her life and he stares at her from under the stars, like she's up there, a star which was shining even brighter than the sun. He wonders if she's looking back at him?

And then he blames the stars, because he adored it and it still took her away to live amongst the other stars.

So that was the summary, I hope you like it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ this was not what I had planned in mind when I named the book as 'Etoiles' which means stars in French.

But it turned out like this... I think I like such endings, you know, really sad ones. Because every book I've planned out till now has a sad ending.

Anyway, hope you have a nice day!!!!

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