Day 4 (I cant think of a title so from now on this is the name)

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Rain drums against the window, waking Izuku from a fuzzy dream. Stretching and suppressing a yawn, he spares a glance for his alarm clock before sliding out of bed and trooping to the baths for a quick shower. The hot water wakes him up and soon he's back in his room and pulling on thick socks, sweat pants and a hoodie to ward off the early morning chill. Another look at the clock tells him it's 7am and he pulls his door closed behind him, heading for the kitchen.

Deserted. Perfect.

He rolls up his sleeves and sets about washing rice and putting it on to cook, turning around to grab some eggs after a moment's thought. As they begin to boil he rummages in the fridge for the green onions he knows he saw Kacchan buy, slicing them finely and leaving them to one side. He's vaguely aware of a presence entering the common room and glances up at Todoroki just as the rice cookers beep and meeting his questioning gaze with a soft smile:

"Okayu" he offers by way of explanation, gesturing to the ingredients he has set up.

The heterochromatic teen nods in understanding and joins him in dishing it out, laying a sliced soft boiled egg and some green onions on top of each before they set forth with trays to pass out. They return from their final run of breakfast just as Bakugo enters, hoodie left open and one hand scratching his stomach under his tank top. Kirishima is soon to follow.

"Okayu?" Izuku holds out a bowl of the plain rice porridge towards the blonde and he takes it gruffly, grumbling unintelligibly as he adds the egg and green onions Izuku has ready and rifles through the cupboards for some chilli powder. Izuku offers one to Kirishima and Todoroki as well before dishing up his own and soon they're all sitting at the table, a bowl for Mina left steaming on the counter. Kirishima watches Midoriya's eyes flick between it and the common room entrance before he gets to his feet:

"I'll go check on her," he assures the green-haired teen, picking up her breakfast.

"Thanks Kirishima."
The knock on her door is met with a groan and soft coughing before it opens to reveal an unhappy looking Mina.

"You're sick?" Kirishima asks dumbly.

"Nah, issa new make-up trend." She coughs roughly, dropping her sardonic smile to cover her face.

"Get some rest, eh?" he offers the bowl and spoon. "Midoriya made okayu."

"Bless his little heart," she smiles wanly. "I'll be fine Kirishima, don't worry."

He hums noncommittally as she closes the door before going to report to the others.


"Hey Tokoyami?" Izuku calls softly, knocking on his classmate's door. Listening intently, he hears the sound of rustling sheets before a soft voice:

"You may come in."

Tokoyami is resting against his headboard, blanket wrapped around his shoulders and Dark Shadow curled in his lap looking absolutely miserable.

"How are you both feeling?" Izuku asks, sitting on his desk chair and wheeling closer to the bed.

"Like the darkness is coming for us." The other boy coughs morosely.

"Aaaand that means, bad?" Izuku guesses, reaching forward to check his temperature: 38.8. "Yeah, bad," he answers his own question. Dark shadow doesn't exactly have a readable temperature but Izuku can feel him trembling much like his human. He offers Tokoyami two paracetamol and a glass of water.

"I think we should change your sheets."

The proposition is met with a blank stare so Izuku explains:

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