22. Replacements, Detentions and Disaster

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Tuesday morning brought the hilarious sight of Katia and Hadley trudging into the dining hall red-eyed and still in their pajamas. Kellen's payback for the glitter mess in his room was alarms on several cellphones hidden in their dorm. He had them rigged to go off at one hour intervals, playing the intro of the Circle of Life, on a loop, at full volume. I could imagine their dorm neighbors had suffered as well.

To further the enjoyment he got out of the prank, Katia had sullied her squeaky clean reputation by falling asleep in class later in the day.

To further the enjoyment he got out of the prank, Katia had sullied her squeaky clean reputation by falling asleep in class later in the day

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It was early evening when we saw Katia and Hadley again, as they barged into Kellen & Jackson's room. Per usual, Jess and I, on the floor in front of the couch, weren't acknowledged.

"Thanks for your thank you card, Kellen. I see you enjoyed my birthday present so much you didn't even keep it."

"Katia. To what do I owe this visit?"

"As you know, we got detention for falling asleep in class. You might like to know that we had a new History teacher. He threw chalk at Sarah Wilkins for asking what pages we should read—which was none, if you were wondering. He clearly knows nothing about History. And, who gives detentions for coughing and falling asleep?"

"Mr. Kramer has also been replaced. Detention was two hours of watching a gorilla in an ill-fitting suit pretend he likes books." Leave it to Hadley to make the bad fit sound like the worst part of that sentence. Horror of horrors! A man in a badly tailored suit!


"Kellen, you sound less in possession of your wits than I did this morning and I had no sleep." In other words, what's your excuse? Jess and I hid smiles behind our hands.

"Forgive me, Katia, but I fail to see where the point to your ramblings is. I must inform you, therefore, that I express less than a spot of regard for monkeys, nor am I inclined to feel vexation for an imbecile who partook in the digestion of chalk. Please, thusly, deliver your revelation via the most linear trajectory."

Thankfully my giggle was covered by Katia's increasingly annoyed tone. "Honestly! You're such a dramatic little Queen! Mr. Benson, Mrs. Balikowski and Mr. Kramer have been replaced by hulking baboons who look like they belong in a zoo or an MMA fight."

"Why didn't you just say that to start with?" Kellen asked. "I wonder why?"

"Because I was trying to tell you that these people aren't teache—"

"I meant, I wonder why our teachers are being replaced."

"As much your lovely sibling rivalry banter brightens my day, can we just drop it? We need to figure out if any more of these Neanderthals are popping up, and where our teachers are going." Jackson cut in as the voice of reason.

"Right. Hads," Kellen used her nickname as if he had a right to. "Text hijINKs. All students be on the lookout for replacements—report each one to Elite immediately." 

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