33. The Nest and The Dell

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What? It should not have been that bright out when I woke up. Jumping up off the bed, I grabbed the clock and then flung it. Kellen had changed my alarm. Or maybe the damn thing hadn't worked. Either way, I was alone in the room, and it was two hours later than I'd planned on waking up. I had too much to get done.

I bolted from the room, yelling as I went, "Where is that Fucker?!"

As I rushed down the hallway, I realized running out in my state of dress―or undress, in some eyes―was not the greatest idea. 

"Did she just call Kellen a...?"

"Oh Shit! Kellen totally ditched her this morning!"

I debated clarifying the situation, but it didn't really matter given our current predicament. I had better things to do. I barged into my room, cursing a blue streak and barreled right for the closet.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! So much to do!"

"Like what?"

I rolled my eyes as I tore my sweater over my head and pulled on a couple layers of shirts. "Like texting a squad, getting them together, supplies, food, packs. So, really, only, everything!"

"Everything? You sure you're not overreacting?"

"Overreacting?" I squealed as I shimmied pants over top of my small shorts. "There's so much to―"

Wait. That voice was not supposed to be in my room. I turned in shock to find Kellen watching me with an amused look. Behind him, leaning on my bookshelf and looking the other way was Jackson, and in our lounge were 6 members of my traveling crew all looking anywhere but at me. 

"I figured I'd let you sleep in since we were planning till 2:00. Jacks and I got everything done. Jess is double checking things now."

"So where's everyone else?" I tried not to let my embarrassment show as I crossed the room to retrieve my most suitable boots.

"Waiting on my order." He said. "Too many people moving from one room would be suspicious, I think."

"Fair enough. Packs and supplies?"

"Relax, Cole! Take a breath," Kellen uttered behind me. "Everything is done. Like we planned. Like you wanted."

Breathe. Right. Good idea.

Kellen chuckled and pocketed his phone. "So, you know how you mentioned innuendo? And letting people get the wrong idea?"

I flushed, knowing where he was going with it; at least that he wasn't talking loud enough for the whole group to hear.

"Apparently you put on such a show on your way here, everyone thinks that we did do all that  wink wink that Jess implied last night."

I thumped my head on the wall before shrugging. "Whatever. It doesn't really matter anyways."

In the corner of my eye, he grinned. "What? You were practically a tomato yesterday when the innuendo was made, and now you don't care? Are you using me, Cole?"

"Ha. Ha." I returned his grin halfheartedly. "No, there's so much more at stake now. They can think what they want. Today is too important, so really, none of that matters." 

Kellen's smile dropped as he reached out and brushed some hair away from my face. His whispered words, "Be careful out there, Cole," were practically a kiss on my cheek. Then he released me from his almost hug and left, calling over his shoulder, "See you later, Hero. Take care of her, Jacks."


"You can stop now, Nic."

I ignored Jackson's deadpan annoyed tone and continued the stupid dance I was doing. It felt good to be outside of the school's shadow and far enough away from any of the buildings that no one could hear my whooping. It came with the giddy feeling that things were falling into place, and I couldn't stop myself.

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