Exposed (2)

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Everyone looked at the person sitting on the sofa with "a lot" not being able to quantify their amount of bursting emotions.

"Seriously? Jeon Jungkook? What is going on here?" Jin felt like the world was something he was just being Introduced to as he laid back on his own seat in disbelief.

Jungkook raised his eyes as he first showcased a serious expression but couldn't hold on to his laugh and burst out gleefully.
"Oh God, that was so much fun.."

He was laughing so hard that he had trouble breathing but he didn't stop and instead held on to the arm rest of the couch and crouched onto the floor, laughing continuously as the other tried to make head or tail of the situation.

"Okay, someone please tell me what's going on?" Taehyung was the one who was completely lost while the others were processing all that was happening.

"Tae-ah, I would love to explain to you what was happening but unfortunately, I am unsure myself."
Namjoon couldn't help scrunching his eyebrows as he looked at Jungkook and then at Hoseok and lastly Jin who was recounting his life's decisions.

"Stop laughing, Jungkook! Tell us what's going on?!" Yoongi couldn't stand the suspense anymore as he caught Jungkook by the collar and plopped him onto the sofa, surrounded by everyone.

"Alright! alright! I'll stop laughing." Jungkook said so but even with this, he couldn't stop the small chuckles he let out while the expressions of the other alphas darkened.

Finally, with everyone giving him a seriously dark look, Jungkook stopped laughing and turned serious.

"Well... It all happened two days ago..."


Jungkook, Hoseok and their friend, Kris were playing football when Jungkook kicked the ball too hard and it went flying out of the boundary.

"Kook, you got to be kidding us!" Kris annoyedly looked at Jungkook who gave him a sheepish smile and replied, "Rock, Paper And Scissors. Loser has to bring the ball."

The other two nodded and played the game, "Rock, Paper, Scissors show!"
In the end, Jungkook won with a rock while the other two lost.
"Both of you, get the ball." Jungkook smirked as he raised his eyebrow playfully while Kris and Hoseok groaned but went to look for the football anyway.

It had been some time since the two friends had gone in search of the ball but hadn't returned. Jungkook wasn't worried anything would happen to them since Hoseok was really strong and Kris wasn't any less even if he was a beta.

"Tch- I'll just go look for them."
Shaking his head with a sigh, Jungkook leaves in search of his two friends.
That's when he saw the scene of Hoseok getting a Lily from Jimin and Kris from Lu Han. What astonished him was that Hoseok actually held onto that Lily when he hates any and every white flower possible. This caused the same assumption as Taehyung to arise In him.

He saw Jimin leaving and followed behind him to the cafeteria. Jungkook looked on carefully as he tried to match Jimin's figure to the images sent by Jimin and it seemed quite similar. And not to mention the burning feeling from his wolf, he was 80% sure Jimin was his Mate; their mate.

"I found you."

He didn't bother returning to the football field as he followed Jimin around the entire day, making sure not to get noticed by any of the other members or Jimin himself.

By the time the day ended, that tiny bit of doubt in Jungkook's mind has disappeared as he was more than sure that Jimin was his.

However, the moment he exposed himself to Jimin was when he saw Jimin getting hugged by Chanyeol, an unmated alpha. He lunged out of the bushes and pounced onto Chanyeol. Baekhyun shrieked loudly as he was brought behind DO while Sehun tried his best to seperate the two.

"Stop!" Finally, what stopped Jungkook from continuing to hit Chanyeol was Jimin's slap.
"He's my friend and he has a freaking mate!" Jimin felt guilty towards Chanyeol but the other didn't mind and brushed it off.
"It's okay Mochi. It's only a punch and I finally got an excuse to rest at home with Baek this way."
Though Baekhyun wasn't too happy, he understood the fact that it was hard for Jungkook to see his mate with another alpha too.

Jimin, after little persuasion got Jungkook to apologize to Chanyeol. The friends left Jimin and Jungkook alone and drove away quickly, not wanting to see any PDA which would taint their eyes.

"So, I'm figuring you know who I am..."
Jimin finally realized he had slapped Jungkook. "Yes, I'm sorry about your friend... I just couldn't help it.. "
Jungkook didn't mind the sting he felt on his cheek. Honestly, it actually helped him feel the reality of finally meeting him mate.

"I'm Sorry about slapping you too. I panicked too much- This is my home, I'll apply some ointment. Come In."
Jimin held Jungkook's hand as he was brought to the mansion. They passed by Hyuk who gave them a 'what is going on here' look but Jimin simply shook his head to imply it was nothing.

Dragging Jungkook to his room, Jimin seated him onto the bed and went to grab his first aid kit and some cooling ointment.

"Tell me if it hurts, alright?"

Carefully applying the medication, Jimin was completely focused on the task at hand that he didn't notice Jungkook staring at him like he was the most precious treasure in the world.

Jungkook slowly memorized every facial feature of the angel in front of him and as he did so, it seemed as if time has stopped moving.

The beautiful moment of peace, silence and awe was shattered when Hyuk knocked at the door.
"Jimin, I've brought over some snacks."

Finally, the trance was broken as Jimin realized how close they were. He quickly sat up from the bed and with a blush adorning his face, he opening the door.

Hyuk saw this scene and felt quite skeptical but didn't comment on it. He handed over the tray which contained two chocolate shortcakes and two glasses of Cola.
Shutting the door, Hyuk retreated.

"Here you go." Jimin placed the tray onto the small coffee table and then offered Jungkook has share.

The two ate in silence but being the eager fellow Jungkook is, he asked Jimin, "Am I the winner?"

Pausing in his movements, Jimin looked like he was lost in space and only after a couple of minutes, he replied with a smile, "Not yet."

Jungkook frowned, "Why? I found you!"

Jimin patted his hair to calm the alpha and then pecking his cheek softly, he answered Jungkook's question, "Your mission wasn't to find me. It was to find the traitor. And now, additionally, you can't let them find out you know about me or else, you'll lose."


There will be more than two parts for [EXPOSED]

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