Chapter 10: Goodnight, Gotham

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(*Batman's POV*)

1 hour ago

I received audio footage from Oracle, it was a recorded tape with a couple of goons chatting about Joker paying Crane, Tetch, and Nygma a visit. I was able to track down the two thugs and get some info, but I don't think it will be enough to find them. All they said was that Crane owed Joker toxin and that tonight was when he was going to retrieve it. Then it hit me. Crane would pick a place that would be fit for experimenting and at the same time, out of sight. I remember Jim telling me the GCPD received a call of people spotted lurking near the abandoned clinic on the outskirts of town. I'm going to try there first.

Present time

My assumption was right, I just watched Joker and Harley enter the abandoned clinic with what looked to be Nygma holding the door. I plan to make my move when Joker is about to receive the toxin.

(*Skylar's POV*)

Scarecrow and Joker have been in the lab for a few minutes now and I'm listening to Harley talk about Joker and how good of a friend Ivy is to her. I was starting to lose interest when something big and dark came crashing through the window! I knew exactly who it was! It was Batman! The thugs started fighting the Dark Knight and Scarecrow and Joker came rushing in. Scarecrow grabbed me under the arms and dragged me away and Hatter and Riddler got in front of me as Joker ran towards Batman. "Put her down, Crane!" Batman growled, continuing to beat a goon, but before Scarecrow could answer Joker leaps onto the couch and pulls out a Joker-Bomb! "You blow me away every time, Batsy!" He antagonizes as the bomb starts to beep. Scarecrow drags me out of the clinic through a hidden back door with Hatter and Riddler following closely. Once we are almost to the car, the clinic blows up, sending a powerful shockwave that sends me flying into the car!

(*Scarecrow's POV*)

5 hours ago

I enter Jervis' room and sit in his chair that he insisted on bringing. "We need to take Skylar home soon. We don't want Batman to know she's here." I told him as if I were talking to a child. "Ok, we can always go see her. I'd every Friday or so-" "No, Jervis...we can't" "Well why not!?!?!" Jervis painfully interjects, slamming his hand on his mattress. "It's just the way it has to be! Nobody can know about our existence in the real world!" I shout, slamming my palms on each arm on the chair. "If we don't want anybody knowing, then why are we taking her home then?" He asks suspiciously, cocking his head. "That is where you come in. I need you to use your hypnotic abilities to make her forget the past few nights." He seems upsetted by this, and I could have sworn I saw tears well up for a second. " B-but she'll forget I exist, a-and she is the only one who doesn't shout at me!" He pleas as a tear escapes. " Jervis, believe me, I have grown quite fond of her... unexpectedly. Look, this is for her own good we need to let her go home!" Jervis stays silent, hanging his head. I feel my lips form a faint frown. "Jervis, we have to! If she stays with us she will get hurt and if she gets taken by Batman she could either end up in Arkham or in foster care." Jervis lets out a breath and looks back at me. "I know, Jonathan... I just wish there was another option." I let out a sigh and looked down at my hands. "Me too"

Present time

The shockwave hit us and I lost my grip on Skylar and went down face-first in the snow, along with Ed and Jervis. I heard Skylar's body hit the side of the car and I stammered up and checked if she was okay. She was unconscious and had a bruise forming on her shoulder, but other than that, she was fine! Edward and Jervis helped me get her into the backseat, and Jervis stayed with her to start tending to her and in the meantime I rushed into the driver's seat and punched it! With all the chaos of traffic and the noises of the car, I could faintly hear Jervis in the back. I hope Batman isn't trailing us!


(*Skylar's POV)

I started to open my eyes to the muffled sound of Scarecrow and Riddler arguing and the violent steering of whatever vehicle I was in. The only sound that wasn't muffled was Hatter's muttering and the ticking of his pocket watch.''H-hatter?... What's happening..." I was too tired and weak to talk. "Jervis, is she waking up?" I could tell it was Scarecrow's voice, but I couldn't understand a word he was saying. "She won't be for long, she is just regaining consciousness from when she was thrown into the car." Hatter replied, however, his voice was nowhere and everywhere. "I suggest you finish doing your thing before we arrive back in Chicago!" Riddler chimed. I was getting more exhausted by the minute, and I found it challenging to keep my eyes open. I turned my head to look straight up and I saw Hatter's silhouette. "Sh, sh, Shhhh... rest Skylar, go back to sleep..." His voice echoed as he stroked his fingers over my eyes, closing them.

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