Day 1 in Gotham

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(Scarecrow POV)

I have finally restrained the captive and I will start tests in the morning. The heater makes noise that should keep her asleep. Tomorrow I find out her fears and phobias! She can't hide them forever. For now I will converse with Ed and Jervis before I turn in for the night. "Where's Alice?" Jervis asked me boiling water. "She is in a spare testing room." I replied, taking off my rope and mask."You're going to lead the Bat right to us, I hope you realize that, Jonathan!" Ed snapped at me, placing the end of his cane on my chest. "Nobody has reported a missing kid in Gotham's jurisdiction, therefore he nor the GCPD even know we have anybody." I explained as he narrowed his eyes and sighs. I remove his cane from my chest and lay down on our small couch. Well... It's small for me, Ed and especially Jervis fit on it perfectly while I hang off from my knees down. "I take it you are tiered, my sociopathic friend." Ed asks me so annoyingly. "I never could have guessed myself." I replied sarcastically " Well I am Batman's intellectual-" "Well for a man of your "intellect" you apparently don't know sarcasm when you hear it" I interrupted, laying my mask over my eyes. "You have been, what's the word?..A nuisance, March hare." Jervis told me, pouring his water into his cup. "You're one to talk!" I snapped back."...Oh hehe...I think I know what this is about. Y-you're HAHA you're mad at the fact that you still haven't found out what dear old Alice is afraid of yet! HAHA!"Jervis teased, and laughed maniacally. He was right, but I can't let them know that!"No I am not! I will make her face her fears, I will show her what true fear is!" I declared starting to get annoyed as ever. "Ok everyone, let's just all go to bed, because I for one am tired." Ed insisted as he walked down the hall and into his room, closing the door. "Nygma has a point, I will finish my tea in my room. Kind regards until morning, March hare." Jervis stated, heading to his room. "I thought I told you not to call me that. Either call me Jonathan or The Scarecrow." I complained, but he ignored me and continued down the hall. I sighed and thought of all the fears and insecurities the girl may have. 'She definitely doesn't have monophobia. I classified that at the gas station. And saying she was ok with me leaving her in a dark room, she doesn't seem to be nyctophobic.' I bargained in my head. I finally just turned over and went to bed.

(Skylar's POV)

(The next morning, about 9:35am) I slowly start to wake up as the comforting buzzing from the heater played in the background. I opened my eyes and saw that my hospital recliner was almost completely down! It was tilted enough for me to see my restrained legs and wrists. 'How did he do all of this without me waking up?' I thought, observing my surroundings. ' The heater! It kept me warm and it made noise that kept me asleep!' I confirmed thinking of ways to somehow get out of these. I look over and the table from last night was rolled back over to my deathtrap of a bed. I struggle relentlessly but the freaking restraints won't budge! I hear the doorknob rattle and I look over to see Scarecrow through the small square window on the door. I continue to pull at the restraints but nothing. He walks in and picks up a clipboard. "You're only going to hurt yourself doing that. I'd stop resisting if you don't want to exhaust yourself." He insisted, but i ignored him. "Let me out of these!" I demanded angrily and fearfully. " I can't do that. it would be risky if you were to move around too much while I run tests. You should know all of this, you read those meaningless excuses for books." He replied in his calm collected voice. "Give me your name and age." You'd think he would have asked me that already. " Francis Leslie, 101 years old!" I taunted, holding back most of my laughter. He looked up and I didn't need to see his facial expression under his petrifying burlap mask to know he wasn't amused. He stalked up to the bed and slammed his hand on it. "I am not in the mood, so cooperate or I can promise you I will not hesitate to show you true fear.So...your name and age." He scolded in a surprisingly freaky, and tranquil voice, holding up his signature syringe glove. I started to quiver at the sight of it up close and in person. I am also reasonably scared of needles. "Skylar Parr, 15 years old." I murmured, turning my head slightly and squeezing my eyes shut. He glanced at his glove, then back at me. I sensed a grin from under his mask. He stood over me and moved the needles closer. I opened my eyes for a brief moment but immediately squeezed them shut again and gritted my teeth. " Trypanophobia...should have tried that one from the start. But there's something deeper within you that i'm going to drag out of you." He hissed quietly and his burlap mask got closer to my head. Classic scarecrow. He backed up and wrote on his clipboard. I knew I couldn't let out too much of my terror because it would only encourage him. He placed his clipboard on the desk and walked back over to me." Now to start the tests!" "What kind of tests?!" I stuttered looking up at him vulnerably. 'Where are you, Batman?' I pleaded in my head. " Lucky for you I've decided to use my toxin as a last resort but-" He was cut off by somebody opening the door dramatically. I shot my eyes over to the door and it was the Riddler! He had on his signature green blazer, hat, and cane, and was standing casually in the doorway. I was in awe! "Sorry to interrupt anything, but I wanted to see our guest." He sneered with a charming grin. "Ed, I told you to stay out of here!" Scarecrow grumbled, tightening his fist. "Fine, but I want you to answer something for me first. It's should be easy enough for you." He insisted. "Not now, Nygma!" Scarecrow grumbled displeased. "I'll answer it for you!" I blurted to stall time before Scarecrow started tests. "What? No! You little-" "Too late, Jonny. Ok, infant, listen carefully. Riddle me this: What has no legs but never stops moving, has a body but no head, What am I?" He quizzed confidently. "This is so infuriating!.." I heard Scarecrow mumble under his breath. I thought for a moment and it came rushing to me! "HA! A river. A river has no legs, but never stops moving, and it is considered a body of water!" I declared with a bright smile on my face. He grinned slightly before he noticed Scarecrow crossed his arms and shifted his weight. "Ok, Ed, he got it right, now get out!" Scarecrow lost his temper and Riddler closed the door ungratefully. "You knew what you were doing didn't you?" He scolded slowly turning his head towards me. "Maybe, Maybe not, Jonny." I jeered sarcastically. Bad idea! He then rushes over and hoveres the ends of his needles over my face and stands over me. "You, do not get to call me that." He whispered calmly in my ear. " Do that again...and I can tell you that it won't end well for you." He then rubbed the ends of his syringes on my cheeks and they trailed down slowly to the end of my shoulder. I quaked the whole time as the feeling of his needles traveled down my neck. He picks up his needles from my shoulder and stands up straight. "I will be back." He said dangerously and walked out the door. I finally exhale and calm myself down. I should probably stop trying to tick him off. I still have many questions on how any of this is possible, and I wonder if they have been watching me specifically for a long period of time. What would they have done to my little brother and mom if I hadn't skipped my house? All these thoughts flooded my head as I concluded to myself that I had made the right choice, and that I was protecting my family. I wonder if my big bro even knows i've been missing. I will get out of here and I will continue to protect them from everything! Saying that I am the only one other than my brother that knows everything there is to know about these characters. When I get home I am gonna buy as many comics as I can and read all of them. I have to stay strong for my own good.

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