Chapter 13 - Breakfast

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Adora's POV

I woke up at 7:30, I didn't have class till 11 and I knew Catra had class at 10 so she would have to leave at 9 or so. I untangled my arms and legs from her, trying to not wake her up. I decided that I would make her breakfast after my morning workout, I changed into some yoga pants and a tank top, grabbed the yoga mat and went into the living room as to not wake Catra up. 15 minutes in I was already quite sweaty so I poured myself a glass of water and then went back to doing one-handed push-ups, after a bit, I felt like someone was watching me so I sneakily looked towards my room only to see Catra looking at me but she didn't seem to notice that I had seen her as she kept staring at me. "I know you're staring at me Catra," I said teasingly while finishing my push-ups, "I wasn't staring," she said panicking which made me laugh, "I saw you 5 minutes ago and you were definitely staring. Did I wake you up?" I said looking at a blushing Catra. "No you didn't wake me up," she said reassuringly, "Okay good. Did you have any other nightmares last night?" I asked walking up to her, "Surprisingly no," she said, sounding relieved, "That's good. Would you like some breakfast?" I asked pointing towards the kitchen counter, "Breakfast sounds good," she said, smiling, "Okay, I'm gonna take a quick shower and you can relax on the couch and then I'll make you some breakfast. Okay?" I asked her, grinning, "I can just grab a protein bar and be on my way. I don't want to be a burden, I already slept the night," she said with a frown, "No. You are not a burden. You're my guest, now relax and I'll be back soon. Okay?" I said and a small smile formed on her face, "Okay," she said smiling wider. 

I got out of the shower and put on some blue jeans, a white t-shirt and my red jacket, while I was putting my jacket on I heard some muffled voices so I went into the living room to find Bow and Glimmer with their eyes and mouths wide. "Hey guys what are you doing here?" I asked the two but they stood speechless, "Um guys? Are you okay?" I asked waving my hand in front of them which took them out of their trance. They pointed at me then Catra, back and forth between the two of us, "Catra's sitting on your couch, wearing your clothes, she's here early in the morning. Did Catra spend the night here?" a very excited Glimmer said, "Yes, but it's not what you think. We stayed up talking for a long time and it was too late for Catra to drive home so she spent the night," I explained hurriedly. Bow and Glimmer crossed their arms, "Mhm sure..." Bow said, unconvinced, "I swear that's all that happened," I said throwing my hands in the air, blushing, and they started laughing, "We believed you the first time. We were just teasing, you should have seen the look on your face," Glimmer said then laughed even harder. I huffed in annoyance, "Um so do I still get breakfast or...?" Catra asked still on the couch, "Right. I forgot I said that I would get breakfast with Bow and Glimmer, would you like to come with us?" I asked her, "Sure, but I don't have my wallet with me," she said frowning, "It's okay, I'll pay for you," I said with a smile. "Fine, but I'm gonna repay you. So, where are we going?" Catra said, "IHOP!" the three of us said in unison, "Calm down, you sound like little kids," she said giggling at the end, "Hey!" I said pouting, "I'm kidding. I'm kidding." she said putting her hands up in defence, "Since it's like right in the middle of our schools how about we drive in 2 cars so that Catra can drive back to the Horde afterwards," Bow suggested, "That works for me," Catra said shrugging, "Okay, Adora you and Bow go in his car, I wanna go with Catra," Glimmer said, "Okay I guess. Catra is that okay with you?" I asked turning towards her, "Sure," she shrugged. 

Me and Bow were in his car driving in silence for a bit until he spoke up, "So what did you and Catra talk about last night?" he asked, "Well we caught up on what we missed while we were separated, we talked about old memories. She slept in my bed-" I said being interrupted by Bow's squel, "She slept in your bed? I thought you said nothing happened?" Bow said, making me blush. "Nothing happened. Let me finish, she slept in my bed because all the bedclothes were either in the wash or drying and neither of us wanted the other to sleep on the couch so we both slept in my bed. At around 3 she was sweating, moving around and talking in her sleep so I woke her up, turns out she was having a nightmare and has been for as long as I've been gone. So I held her in my arms while we slept and she didn't have any more nightmares, then I woke up around half seven and did my workout, get this she was staring at me. I wanted to make her breakfast after I had showered, I forgot that we had made plans and once I was done getting dressed you were there," I said and Bow smirked at me. "Why are you smirking?" I asked confused, "Adora, Catra likes you back trust me," Bow said, "Are you sure? What makes you think that?" I asked confused, "You really are oblivious aren't you? Well for one she started having nightmares when you left and stopped when you held her. She was staring at you while you worked out also the way she talked about you yesterday said a lot. And don't forget the song she wrote about you," Bow said as if everything was so obvious. "I mean if you put it that way," I said putting everything together, "Look, she said she wanted to repay you right? Then ask her to take you out on a date as payment," he said confidently, "Okay, I guess that could work," I said. "Perfect, because we're here," he said excitedly, "Oh god, you know what? I don't think I can do it Bow," I said regretting agreeing to it, "You can do it!" he said supportively, "Fine," I said getting out of the car.

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