Chapter 11 - Sorry

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Adora's POV

I woke up the next day feeling anticipation for the conversation me and Catra would have. I got out of bed and did my morning workout, had a shower, breakfast, brushed my teeth and hair and got dressed. I went to my first class which was physiotherapy with Mrs Nettosa, she was a cool teacher who was married to Spinnerella who teaches psychology, she must be good because she's Perfuma's teacher. The day went by slowly, but it was finally over so I went back to my dorm to find Bow and Glimmer in front of my door waiting. "Hey guys, what are you doing here?" I asked them as I opened the door and let them in, "Oh we're gonna wait in your dorm for when you come back. So you can tell us how it went," Bow said smiling, "Aww, thank you guys," I said happily. "Don't you have somewhere to be?" Glimmer asked me, "Right, wish me luck." I said walking toward the door, "Good luck and see you later," they said in unison, "Bye," I waved and left. I got in my car and drove to a shop which was 10-minutes away from my college but 30 from Catra's, I got there and bought her some gummy bears which I know are her favourites. 'I don't want to get her too much, otherwise I'll seem desperate' I thought as I stood in line of the check-out. I finally arrived at the college and headed towards the dorms, 'I don't even know which dorm she's in, I guess I'll have to ask somebody' I thought as I roamed the halls looking for the help desk. I ran into somebody only to see that it was Scorpia, "Oh hey Adora. What are you doing here?" she asked me confused, "I'm going to apologize to Catra. Do you know what her dorm number is?" I asked her. "Oh, well. Her dorm is number 32, b-" she said but before she could say anything else I interrupted her, "Thanks," I said starting to walk away but she stopped me, "Wait! Catra isn't here," she said and I turned to face her, "What do you mean she isn't here? Where is she?" I asked. "She said she was going out but she didn't tell me where," Scorpia said frowning. "Oh, okay. Well, it was nice seeing you again. I guess I'll come back another time," I said sadly, "Okay, bye. See you soon," she waved and I waved back.

I sadly drove back to the campus and got to my dorm, I heard laughter coming from it and I opened the door with my head down. "Hey guys, Catra wasn't there," I said sadly, looking at the ground, "I think we might have an idea where she could be," Bow said, mischievously. I heard Glimmer trying to suppress her laughter, "Really? How would you know whe-Catra?!" I said starting to lift my head and being taken aback by the fact that she was here, in my dorm. "What are you doing here?" I asked her, confused, "Well I came to apologize to you, but you weren't here. So, I talked with your friends and they explained everything to me. Then we ended up talking about how dumb you are and now here we are," she told me. "Okay, 1 why would you apologize? And 2 I am not dumb!" I said, "Um well to answer 1, I wanted to apologize for overreacting, you were trying to be nice and reconnect and I just got angry. And as for 2 yes you are dumb and we have plenty of stories to prove it," she said, my face softened when she said the first part but became offended at the second part. "We're gonna go so you two can catch up," Bow said standing up and walking toward the door with Glimmer behind him, "Have fun you two, but not too much fun~" Glimmer said, "Glimmer!" I said, becoming very red which made both Glimmer and Catra laugh. "Bye Arrow boy, bye Sparkles," Catra said waving at them, "Bye Catra," Bow said, waving back at her while walking out the door, "Bye Horde Scum," Glimmer said following Bow and shutting the door behind them. "Sorry about them they're just supportive," I said, chuckling nervously which made Catra smile, "It's fine Adora. She's just messing with you, we spent an hour talking and even I know that," she told me, "Okay. Well, do you want to catch up properly then?" I asked her, slightly dreading the answer, "Sure," she said shrugging.

I gave her a short tour of my dorm before we went into my room, "These dorms are big," she said impressed, "Yeah well it is a prestigious school," I said. "Hey, by the way, your friends told me that they're roommates, so where's your roommate?" she asked me sitting on my bed, "I don't have one anymore. My old roommate wanted to be with their girlfriend so she asked to switch and Mrs Angella agreed. And their roommate was supposed to come live with me but they transferred schools so now I'm roomateless," I said sitting at my desk across from Catra. "Cool," she said nonchalantly, "So what are you majoring in?" I asked her, "Criminal Justice and Child Care Services Management," she said, "Cool, why'd you choose those? I thought you were more of an Art major, to be honest," I said. "Well yes, but I want to do something to help kids in the system not get abused like we did and maybe even get Shadow Weaver arrested," she told me, "That's a really good reason. I'm glad you want to help other people," I said smiling, "Ugh, whatever," she groaned. "What are you majoring in?" she asked me, "Well I'm majoring in  Physiotherapy and Kinesiology, I want to be a physiotherapist," I said, "And why's that?" she asked curiously, "Well you know me, I always want to help people. Plus physiology is really interesting so I thought that I could combine them," I said shrugging. "Well you are a dumb jock with a big heart so it does fit," she said, "Hey!" I said and she started laughing so I jumped onto the bed. We started play fighting while laughing, we were interrupted when we heard a knock on the door, "Adora! Can you keep it down in there?" my neighbour yelled, "Sorry!" I said sheepishly. I looked back at Catra who was underneath me, I had my arms at either side of her head, once we realized the position we were in we both turned red, "I'm sorry," I said getting off of her, "It's fine," she said waving me off. "It felt like we were kids again," she said out of nowhere, "Yeah, it did. I missed this, you know," I said, "What, being on top of me?" she asked with a smirk making me blush, "N-no I meant playing and laughing without a care in the world," I managed to say, "Yeah, I missed it too," she said happily.


Word count: 1179

This chapter is mostly what Adora did on that day and a bit of the time she spends with Catra, I hope you enjoyed it. Two longer chapters in one day, also sorry if you keep getting notifications of chapters getting published again that's me realizing I didn't capitalize the first word in one of the things that the characters say or a name because I can be a perfectionist and I just don't like when things that are supposed to be capitalized like at the start of a sentence aren't capitalized. Don't know if that annoys anyone else but it does me so you have to deal with it. Or when I forget something about the title.

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