Chapter 8 - The Battle of the Bands Pt 1

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Catra's POV

'Today is the day, I can't wait!' I thought to myself as we drove to the competition, "Are you nervous?" Scorpia asked me, "Yes, but I'm also excited," I say looking out the window. It was a 45-minute drive to the warehouse where it was being held so I put my headphones in and listened to music on the way there. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know Scorpia is shaking me telling me to wake up, "Wake up Wildcat we're here," she said, "Okay, okay I'm up," I said. We walked inside and made some small talk, we went to the information desk and put our name down, we were going to be performing 5th and Adora was going to be performing 7th. That's perfect because after the 8th performance we have lunch break, it will be the perfect opportunity to talk, I guess Shadow Weaver did a good thing for once, though it was for selfish reasons because us winning benefits her. 'Now all I had to do was avoid a certain blonde, can't be that hard right?' I thought, "Hey Catra, isn't that Adora over there?" Lonnie asked me pointing to a tall blonde girl, "Great, okay let's go over there," I said pointing in a random direction away from her. The first three performances were good and I was able to avoid Adora the whole time, now it was the fourth band, The Vagabonds were now performing and we were getting ready backstage. The band was coming to the end of their third song and soon we were going to go on, "Are you ready?" Scorpia asked me, "Huh, as ready as I'll ever be," I said looking through the curtains at the band leaving the stage, "Okay, let's do this," I said looking at my bandmates smiling, they smiled back. "You're on in 3, 2, 1" one of the backstage crew said counting with his fingers then moving the curtain and pointing at the stage, we nodded and walked on. I walked to the microphone stand and looked at the crowd, the lights were blinding and I couldn't see anyone clearly, 'Perfect' I thought to myself, "Hello everyone, we are the Horde's Breaking point!" I said and the crowd cheered. Scorpia and Rogelio started playing "For our first song we are going to be doing a cover of Creep," I said and the crowd cheered again, Lonnie started playing too "Here goes," I said starting to sing.

The crowd cheered loudly as we finished the song, "The next song is an original that we wrote together a few years ago and since our keyboardist Kyle didn't play anything for the last song, we are giving him the biggest part of the next song. Everyone give a round of applause for Kyle and his cowbell!" I said and the crowd laughed and applauded, I began playing my acoustic guitar and Scorpia started playing her drums and I soon started singing.

The crowd cheered even louder, "Thank you, that was Put Your Records On featuring Kyle's amazing cowbell!" I said and the crowd laughed again. "This last song is another original that I wrote more recently, I hope you like it," I said and the lights dimmed and I saw her, standing there smiling with slight tears on her cheeks. I started playing my guitar and the spotlight was on me, then I started singing.

The whole time I was singing I was looking at her, it was like everyone else wasn't there and it was just the two of us. When I finished I was panting, the loud noise of cheering filled my ears, slowly getting louder, I had poured my whole heart into that song, "Thank you, everyone! We are Breaking Point!" I said waving, the crowd cheered one last time and we walked off stage. "Wow Catra, that last song was amazing, you were so mesmerized," Scorpia said to me, "Yeah, I kinda got carried away when I saw Adora in the crowd. It was like no one else was there, just the two of us and I was singing to her, pouring my heart out," I said, "Well if that's what happens when you see her in the crowd she should come to all our shows," Lonnie said chuckling afterwards. We talked while Summer Nights performed and we made our way to the front of the crowd, their performance felt like it ended as soon as it started and now it was Adora's turn. The band walked on stage, she was wearing grey skinny jeans, a white graphic t-shirt, a red and black flannel over it unbuttoned, black vans and had her hair in her signature ponytail. Their keyboardist was wearing a purple bomber jacket with a pink glittery t-shirt underneath, blue mom jeans and black high tops. Their drummer was wearing a white crop top with a red heart on it, purple trousers and white and gold shoes. The bassist was wearing a turquoise crop top, blue mom jeans and gold and turquoise sneakers. Adora came to the mic "Hello, we are The Rebellion," she said and the crowd cheered but not as loud as they did for us, so I cheered as loud as I could, this made her smile. "Our setlist is dedicated to a certain someone. This first song is History," She said and the crowd went wild, I felt my heart fall to the bottom of my stomach 'Is she dedicating this to me?' I thought. She turned around and she started clapping above her head, the rest of the band joined in and she turned around and started playing her guitar.

By the time the song ended her eyes had found mine, "This next song is called..." she said looking at the crowd "Please forgive me" she said that looking straight into my eyes and she looked sincere. The keyboardist started playing and then Adora started with her guitar.

When the song ended I had tears in my eyes, Adora didn't break eye contact once with me throughout the entire song. She looked back at the crowd and I wiped my tears, "This next song, is an original that I wrote, it's quite short but I hope you like it," she said looking at the crowd. 'She wrote a song for me?', 'We used to always write together but I did most of the lyrics' I thought to myself, she started with her guitar and soon started singing.

By the end of the song I was in tears and I saw a single tear on her cheek, "Thank you, we are The Rebellion," Adora said then waved and walked off stage, the rest of the band following behind her. I quickly made my way towards the backstage and waited for her to exit, she saw me then said something to her friends and they nodded, she looked back at me and waved and I waved back. She jogged towards me with her dorky grin which made me smile, "Hey Adora~" I said, in a flirtatious tone and smirking, she blushed then smirked "Hey Catra~" she said seductively and it was my turn to blush. "Do you want to talk outside?" I asked her, "Yeah," she said and I gestured towards the back door "After you m'lady," I said and she laughed. 'I missed that laugh a lot,' I thought and laughed with her, we walked to the door and she held it open "After you m'lady" she said with a smirk, "Hey, that's my line," I whined but she just shrugged and started laughing again, 'God her laugh is beautiful and contagious," I thought starting to laugh again.


Word count: 1281

Long chapter, I know but I got caught up. I hope you enjoyed it and that the songs were okay, it was hard finding good ones so if you have any better ones tell me and I'll change them for the benefit of the story. I didn't know what to have Glimmer, Bow and Mermista wear so I kinda just had them in their outfits in the show but if you have fanart or suggestions that would be better let me know so I can improve the story. Thank you for 60 reads, it might not seem like a lot compared to other stories but it's very big and much more than I expected so Thank You.

Catradora College Band AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang