Chapter 12 - Nightmares & Cuddles

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Catra's POV

Me and Adora talked for hours, catching up on what had happened during the time we didn't see each other. "Hey Adora, do you know what time it is?" I asked her, "It's..." she said, looking at her watch, "Oh shoot, Catra it's already 10 o'clock. You have to go!" she said standing up. "It's 10? I've been here for like 6 hours?" I said, also standing up, "Time really does fly..." she said calmer, "It's actually a bit late, so... would it be okay if I slept here? Just for the night and I'll drive back to the Horde in the morning," I said slightly panicking. "Yeah, sure," she said slightly blushing but looking away quickly, "Since you don't have a roommate I can just sleep in the spare room," I said looking at the door, "Yeah, I just need to make the bed first," she said walking towards her wardrobe to get the bedclothes. "Oh, you should probably change into something else for bed," she said looking through her wardrobe, "No, it's fine I'll just wear this," I said motioning my outfit, "It's fine you can just borrow my sweatpants and one of my t-shirts," she said grabbing some, "Here," she said holding out the clothes. "It's fine," I said, "No I insist. Plus I don't think jeans are comfy to sleep in," she said with a smirk, "Okay fine," I said snatching them from her, "Okay now you go change in the bathroom while I go make your bed," she told me, "Okay," I said walking toward the bathroom. After I changed I went into the spare room and saw that the bed wasn't made and it was empty, "Uhm, Adora?" I shouted from the other room, "Yeah?" I heard from behind me which scared me. "AH!" I screamed which made Adora laugh, "Ugh, it's not funny!" I said, "Yeah-it-is," she said between laughs. "Ugh, whatever. Why isn't the bed made?" I asked her annoyed, "Well... I looked for bedsheets but then I remembered that they are in the wash right now so I only have one. Which is on my bed," she said, chuckling nervously while rubbing the back of her neck. "Okay, so what are we gonna do?" I asked her and she blushed, "Well you could sleep in my bed and I'll just sleep on the couch or something with a blanket," she said, "No, I'll sleep on the couch. I'm already a nuisance by being here so late, you can sleep in your own bed," I told her, "No it's fine really. The couch isn't that comfy so I wouldn't want a guest to sleep there," she said waving her hands. "If it's not that comfy, that's even more reason for you not to sleep there," I said, stubbornly. It went quiet for a while but then she broke the silence, "Okay, so since neither of us want the other to sleep on the couch. How about we both sleep in my bed?" she asked shyly whispering the last part, "Only if it's okay with you," I said blushing, "I mean, I proposed the idea so... plus it'll be like the old days," she said, a small grin appearing on her face. 

We made our way towards her bedroom and she got into bed, I hesitated and stood on the left side of the bed. Adora lay facing away from me with her knees to her chest, "Hey Adora?" I asked sitting at the edge of the bed looking at her, "Yes Catra?" she said turning towards me, "Why do you sleep with your knees to your chest?" I asked her curiously, she sat up leaning on her hands. "Hm, I don't really know. I guess I'm just used to it since you always slept at the edge of my bed when we were growing up," she said shrugging, "Oh, makes sense. By the way, I don't really sleep like that so is it okay if I lie beside you?" I asked her and she chuckled, "Of course you can," she said lifting the duvet for me. I lied down facing her, "Goodnight Catra," she said with her eyes closed, which made me smile, "Goodnight Dummy," I said before falling asleep. "A? ... Tra? ... Catra?" I woke up in a sweat with the sensation of somebody shaking me, I jolted up hitting my forehead against Adora's, she was straddling my hips while shaking me awake. "Ouch!" we said in unison rubbing our foreheads, "Hey, are you okay? You were sweating, tossing and turning and even speaking," she said, even though it was dark I could still see the concern in her eyes. "Yeah it was just another nightmare don't worry, I get these every night," I said but that only made her worry more. "You get these every night?" she said putting her hands on my shoulders, "I do. Uhm, do you mind getting off me?" I asked pointing towards her, she mustn't have noticed the position we were in as she blushed. "Yeah, sorry," she said chuckling nervously, we laid back down facing the ceiling but I felt her move to face me so I did the same, "Catra? Is it okay if I hold you? To help with your nightmares?" she asked nervously. "If you think it'll help. Then sure," I said snuggling into her chest while she wrapped her arms around me, "Sleep well," she said softly, "I hope so," I said sarcastically which made Adora giggle slightly, "You too, dork," I said before I felt my eyes become heavier. The rest of the night I didn't have any other nightmares, it was the best sleep I had gotten in ages.


Word count: 951

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this softer chapter. Also thank you for over 100 reads!!! It's not a huge number but for my first fanfiction and it only being like a week or so old that's a lot. I didn't expect that many people to read it let alone vote for it, (tbh I'm not exactly sure what the votes do but thank you?) I also love reading comments, though I don't get a lot but they're fun to read on other stories especially when someone had the same thought as you when you read something and you go to comment it and someone already wrote it. I've been enjoying writing this story, I think what would make it even better is if there were more comments. I don't really care about votes but I would love to read more comments. 

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