Side story 3

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Lisa didn’t expect that her own daughter would look like this.

Wrinkly, red, and moulting white skin.

She felt gloomy, Jungkook was so good-looking, she too wasn’t bad-looking, how did she give birth to such a thing?

Lisa was worried to the point of death, she couldn’t help but ask Jungkook, “Our daughter is so ugly, how will she get married in the future?”

Jungkook pinched his forehead, “Newborns all look like this.”

Lisa’s mother just so happened to come in, and had heard the entire conversation. She was just about to deliver a slap to Lisa’s head, Jungkook was quick to spot it and deftly moved to stand in between the two of them, “Mum, did you boil soup?”

“I was just coming over to ask you two to go out and drink soup.”

Lisa, with Jungkook standing to separate her (from her mum), proudly pulled a few silly faces at her mum.

“You were even uglier when you were small, you were so bright red, you looked as if you had just been fished out of boiled water!” Lisa’s mother was so angry, she put her arms on her waist and scolded her.

“How could I have been as ugly as your granddaughter, she’s bright red AND shedding skin, as if she had just been fished out of boiling hot rancid water!”

“No matter how ugly, she’s exactly the same as you when you were small, you are the origin of the ugly genes!”


Jungkook gently covered the ears of his daughter who was soundly asleep, the adult world has too much talk that ought not to enter one’s ears, don’t listen, don’t listen.

Lisa never thought that she wouldn’t be a good mother, nowadays, people were really too excessive when they became mothers, the way parenting books made it out to be, raising a baby was like cultivating a prehistoric organism, everything had to be sterile, everything had to be organic, everything had to be disinfected. This was because her own impression was that, her own mother was very casual, yet she herself grew up happily. But she quickly came to realise, that her own “be a mother effortlessly” attitude was completely defeated by Jungkook’s “be a father scientifically” attitude.

When little baby Lalice was a month and eight days old, her noble doctor father brought the flu back home from the hospital, and quickly infected that mother of hers who did not have much immunity with it: Lisa was so worried, she wanted to make a phone call to ask her own mother to come and take care of the baby, but was stopped by Jungkook, he expressed that newborns had very strong immunity, and did not catch the flu easily……

After an argument, Lisa still ended up getting her mum over. The maternal grandmother really treated her granddaughter as a treasure, she treated the couple with the flu as the No. 1 enemy, Lisa was forced by her mother to wear plastic gloves before she could touch her daughter’s face.

Jungkook was smarter than her, he wore the latex gloves that they used in medical settings, the sense of touch was better.

It was just that when Lisa saw him wearing those white latex gloves and stroking the child’s head with no expression on his face, she felt that the scene looked pretty scary no matter how she looked at it.

A few months later, little kid Lalice finally underwent a complete transformation. That’s right, their daughter was called Lalice, Jungkook’s dad had chosen the name, the old town mayor said, she would definitely be a charming person in the future. Everyone agreed.

Okay, let’s go back to talking about how Lalice finally grew into a white and plump baby that was as cute as those in the powdered milk commercials. 

According to reason, she should have been able to brush away comments such as those about her looking very ugly. Today, Jungkook and Lisa were standing around the cradle and observing little kid Lalice as she slept.

“Don’t you think our daughter is getting cuter and cuter as she grows?” Lisa finally emerged from the trauma of her daughter being very ugly, “Look at her sleeping, she’s like an angel.”

Jungkook looked at the infant that was growing a little fatter day by day, and poked her bulging arm, looking pensive. “Like a fermenting lump of meat.”

Lisa was speechless, and walked out of the room expressionless.

She walked to the balcony and made a phone call to her mother, “Mum, I suddenly want to eat steamed buns, the kind that are freshly steamed and white and plump and emitting steam, when can you come over to make them for me?”

To Our Pure Little Beauty Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя