Chapter 10

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After dinner, Tzuyu, in order to assume the role of a generous and polite hostess, offered to have Jungkook send us home. Taking into account the location and time, as well as the cost of taking a cab, Taehyung and I graciously and shamelessly accepted this blessing.

I thought Tzuyu would accompany us throughout the trip, but I didn’t expect that Jungkook, with a doctor’s practical and realistic way of handling things efficiently, would plan the most convenient route according to the geographical location of our addresses. Hence, Taehyung alighted the car ten minutes later, Tzuyu also got home, but not before throwing me an intense look as she got off which I interpreted as that of, “You better stay away from my boyfriend. You’re an unwanted third party who caused me not to kiss my boyfriend goodbye!”

When it was only me and Jungkook left inside the car, in order to avoid swords being drawn and crossbows being bent, I had to close my eyes and pretend to be asleep. Only that I have no idea why, but the car suddenly came to a stop at the roadside and the engine was slow in turning over, making my little act of pretending to be asleep very hard to perform. 

Just when I was struggling whether to carry through the act till the end or to wake up to know what was happening, Jungkook’s voice suddenly reached my ears, “Lisa, stop playing dead in front of me. The car stalled, get off and give it a push.”

As I am certain that I could never afford even a single tyre in this lifetime, I only have the most superficial, and the most literal understanding of a car’s brand and structure. For example, BMW is the most expensive of all cars, because its name has the word “treasure”. Mercedes-Benz is the fastest of all cars, because it is called “run fast”.

Jungkook’s car is a soy sauce car.

In the TVs, cars also frequently stall, hence I just calmly accepted the fact that Jungkook’s soy sauce car broke down.

I don’t know if it was that I was as strong as an ox or if a soy sauce car stalls its engine in a “soy sauce” way, in short I just casually gave it a push, and it lurched forward. I even got a sense of achievement which I find embarrassing to have.

I set off at a quick trot after the car to pull the car door open, only to find out that Jungkook had locked the car door which infuriated me instantly. Using a lowly person’s mind, I guessed Jungkook’s little act of making me get off the car was just to play with me. Hence I turned on my heel, and walked away at an exceptionally slow pace. My walking away was just to show I can still walk away with my head held high with my ego intact. I really don’t intend to leave him as it’s a terrible location to hail a cab.

Fortunately, Jungkook reversed his car and was keeping up with me, I figured that since he isn’t my boyfriend now, it’s rare that he’s still willing to lend me a hand out of an embarrassing situation, as such,  “When there are steps for you to descend, do not hesitate to descend. Do not wait till there are no more steps and you can only stomp your feet in vain.” So I hurriedly opened the car door, but it was still locked
I couldn’t help but scold him, “Jiang Chen, you can’t insult me like this, if you don’t want to send me home then say it outright, you, not opening the car door, what are you trying to get at!”

The window of the front door slowly rolled down, and Jungkook stuck his head out, “Lisa, you’re freaking sick ah. Come take the front seat!”


I fiddled with the handle, and embarrassedly opened the front door, after I got in and put on the seatbelt, I sincerely and earnestly told Jungkook, “I was, of course, only joking with you just now, but it was wrong for you to swear.”

Jungkook ignored me, one foot was stepping on the gas pedal to its maximum extent. I burst with joy when I felt the seatbelt on me. Fortunately I’ve fastened it right away, otherwise, I would have long flown through the windshield, and ten minutes later, the police officer uncle would have arrived to outline my corpse with a chalk.

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