Chapter 49

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After Jungkook was done wiping away my tears, he helplessly looked at the large shoal of tear traces on the front lapel of his own clothes, “Lisa, are you born in the year of the water tap?”

I sniffled as I replied, “There’s no water tap in the 12 Chinese Zodiac animals.”

It appeared that he had already been worn down by me till he had no temper, he forced a laugh and said, “You just stay in this room and rest, I’ve already helped you apply for leave, I have to go to work, I’ll come over and find you when I get off work.”

As he was exiting, he even pulled that three latex glove balloons on the ceiling out with a sour face, his explanation was, “I have to get rid of it, it won’t be good if other people see them.” I even heard him mumble to himself in a low voice, “Romantic, what’s so great about being romantic.”

I still slept intermittently throughout the afternoon, I had many dreams, including those type of dreams where I would wake up in tears. But there was one that was especially terrifying, because I couldn’t remember it already, (a dream) which you couldn’t remember surely was the most terrifying, because your memory automatically covered it up.

Here, I have to mention something, Doctor Jisoo came to see me as I was midway through my sleep, she came in very hurriedly, as if she had a ghost chasing after her from behind.

“Hurry up and listen to my voice,” she said.

I sprung up from the bed, her voice was sharp and thin, like the dubbing of an evil woman in an animated film.

“Hahaha, how fascinating is my voice,” she said, “Just a moment ago, I used a needle to puncture Jungkook’s glove balloons, I especially like to experience the feeling of the stream of air blowing into my nostrils from the needle-sized hole, I didn’t expect that Jungkook had pumped helium gas into them, hahahaha.”

"annyeong annyeong naneun jisoo ya~~
helryumgaseu meogeottdeo ni yoreugedweji" Doctor Jisoo sang and laughed.

[T/N : If you know, you know ]

Even though I too felt like her voice was very hilarious, but I still didn’t understand, “Why would your voice become like this?”

“When humans suck in helium gas, their voices will become high pitched, because the medium by which the sound is propagated changes, and the frequency at which the sound vibrates at has also changed, hahaha, my voice is really funny.” She herself split her sides laughing as she explained, “Aiyo, I’m about to die from laughter, I ran over here specially to share this with you for you to listen, I treat you so well, hahahaha……”

The corner of my mouth twitched, “Yeah, thank you.”

Even long after she left, her sharp and thin laughter still lingered on by my ears, it was as if Snow White’s stepmother had run into my ears and was laughing sinisterly as if her life depended on it.

Jungkook roughly came before 5pm, his jacket was thrown over his arm, his surreptitious appearance was very cute, he said let’s sneak back home stealthily, the director said he wants to hold a very boring meeting.

I asked him blankly, “Can we go home?”

He spoke as he took off his white coat, “We can, it’s just a meeting about the New Year’s Day celebrations or something like that, it’s not important.”

“But, I don’t have to be hospitalised?” I asked.

He paused his actions of taking off his clothes, and glanced at me in puzzlement, “Why do you have to be hospitalised?”

To Our Pure Little Beauty Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora