Side story 2

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Lisa’s entire pregnancy process was as smooth as having drank detox tea — she had no morning sickness, the various indicators showed that she was extremely healthy, she could eat, could sleep, and wasn’t tired at all. Even Doctor Jeon who had accompanied her throughout the entire process felt that it was surprisingly smooth, therefore when Lisa’s expected due date came about, and she was preparing to stay in the hospital to await giving birth, Lisa had even leisurely commanded Jungkook that, he could forgo bringing other stuff, but he had to help her bring more manga books, also, if there was an update for Gintama, he had to help her download it immediately!

After staying in the hospital for a few days, there were still no signs that the baby was going to be born, Lisa was actually indifferent, she was eating well, drinking well and sleeping well, and she was even embarrassed about how much she got to meet Jungkook. To begin with, having the hospital take care of the family member of a staff, and the added benefit of having nine more Doctor Jeons compared to at home, hospital beds were in short supply, and Lisa got a single room? And stayed for so many days, eating fruits, lying on the bed to read her comics and watch her dramas everyday, and she even got the cleaning auntie to come and waste time with her. But Doctor Jeon who had never abused the authority that came with his job before still resolutely got Lisa to hang about the hospital this time.

At four in the morning, Lisa suddenly shouted that her stomach hurt, Jungkook who was accompanying her by the bedside sprung up, pressed the call button at the bedhead, and switched on the lights.

Lisa before being pushed into the delivery room was still emphasising how she didn’t want Jungkook to be present during the childbirth.

When Jungkook’s parents and Lisa’s parents rushed over, there was a row of soon-to-be-daddys, including Jungkook, who were leaning along the corridor outside the O&G department, waiting and staring blankly at the display screen on the wall. They followed their gaze and lifted their heads up to take a look, red words were rolling along the screen : “XXX, cervix dilated to 6cm; XXX, cervix dilated to 4cm; Lisa, cervix dilated to 3cm.”

Lisa’s mum swatted Lisa’s dad, “Aiya, this won’t do, only dilated to three cm, our obedient grandchild has lost on the starting line!” The atmosphere had originally been sombre, but in an instant it dissipated as people didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry at that.

There weren’t those sort of heartrending shouts one would hear outside the delivery room in those movies and television shows, glass doors had partitioned a long clean area between the delivery room and the family waiting area, one couldn’t hear anything, and could only see the silhouettes of doctors and nurses rushing about busily.

Having stepped back from the identity of a doctor, Jungkook suddenly felt that they looked very unfamiliar.

At about nine plus, a nurse came out, “Family members, go buy some chocolate and such for the women in childbirth.”

Instantly, a few family members stood up, Jungkook was one of them.

The nurse was delighted when she saw Jungkook, “Doctor Jeon, Lisa says she wants to eat chocolate with nuts.”

“Outrageous, she’s even ordering dishes! Buy whatever there is, don’t indulge her!” Lisa’s mum pushed her dad once again.

Jungkook’s parents only urged Jungkook to go and buy (the chocolate) quickly.


Jungkook walked towards the hospital mart with urgent steps, he walked one entire round and did not find any nut chocolate, and grabbed a mart staff to ask, insisting that the staff go to the storeroom to find chocolate with nuts to give him, when he was about to pay he realised that he had forgotten to bring his wallet, thankfully the staff recognised him, and waved his hand at him saying, “Doctor Jeon, take it to eat, just return the money later.”

“He likes to eat chocolate with nuts so much, huh.” As Jungkook walked out of the entrance, he heard that person mutter to himself.

When he returned to outside the O&G department, Lisa’s mum elatedly announced the good news, “Look, dilated to 6cm, this child is catching up with vigour.”

Jungkook glanced at the electronic screen, Lisa, cervix dilated to 6cm.
Just as he was thinking about how to pass the chocolate to her, the nurse that had come out just now came out again, she pulled Jungkook to a side and said two words quietly, “Shoulder dystocia*.” 

(T/N: referring to the condition when the baby’s head has passed out but the baby’s shoulder is stuck and thus the baby cannot come out)

As a doctor who had given bad news too many times to others, as a doctor who understood what these two words meant, Jungkook was much calmer than an ordinary person, he only needed a few seconds before he responded, “Where’s Doctor Chen?”

As the head of the O&G department, Doctor Chen was at that very moment, calmly carrying out the procedure to assist in delivery for shoulder dystocia.

Time walked on, dragging its steps.

Doctor Chen walked out of the delivery room, and patted Jungkook on the back, “Mother and child are safe.”

He watched as the expression in Jungkook’s eyes changed from an imploring to a thankful one, finally after calming down, he resumed the cool-headed appearance that he had all along, got up, shook his hand and said, “Thank you!”

Doctor Chen scoffed silently in his heart, “Don’t think I didn’t see the puppy-dog expression in your eyes just now, aiya, indeed I am a divine physician, look at how much this little junior worships me!”

The nurse following behind him was very annoyed, Doctor Chen was too much, he simply just snatched away her chance to claim credit, she too wanted to see Doctor Jeon’s bright eyes as he offered his thanks.

The newly-born baby cried on as her paternal grandfather, paternal grandmother, maternal grandfather and maternal grandmother took turns to carry her in their embrace.

Lisa was lying on the bed, heaving her last breaths.  (T/N: Don’t worry I think the book is just being sarcastic, she’s definitely not dying.)

Jungkook helped arrange her hair that was damp from sweat, “It’s been hard on you,” he said.

Even though he had just become a father, Jungkook still was scheduled to perform a surgery in the afternoon, thanks to his colleagues who could do such a thing as saying congratulations on one hand, while on the other hand saying, “Aiya, since the baby is already born, and you can’t help much, why not you help out with this afternoon’s surgery, we’ll set it as such!”

After completing the aseptic surgical scrub before the surgery, the nurse after helping Jungkook don on the surgical gown, brought over a pair of sterile gloves, Jungkook reflexively took it to put on.

“You’re wearing it inside out,” the nurse reminded in a low voice, this was the first time she saw Doctor Jeon being so preoccupied, she had to take a few more looks to verify it before she dared to speak up and remind him. “Oh,” Jungkook returned to his senses.

It’s good that they’re alright. Actually Jungkook had been thinking these five words all this while, it’s good that they’re alright.

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