13. A bloody masquerade

Start from the beginning

At this point, Lucius realised Draco and I heard their argument and saw us standing next to the exit from the kitchen, but he didn't seem to care about it.

Draco glanced at his parents and at his father's hand, which was holding Narcissa's wrist a bit too tight. His hand clenched into a fist, his knuckles turning white.

"Father, let go of mum," Draco implored, as his eyes shifted on Lucius' face and his gritted teeth.

"This is none of your business, Draco!" Lucius argued. "Take Cassiopeia and go to your room," he demanded, yet Draco didn't listen.

Everything was happening quickly. Lucius pulled Narcissa behind him and tried to leave the kitchen. Draco stopped him, trying to convince his father to let go of Narcissa, but Lucius didn't care about his son's words. They all began arguing, while I stood frozen. I had no idea what to do. I simply felt like a stranger, since it was a thing between the family and I was just a guest at the Manor.

At some moment, I heard a slap against someone's skin. I blinked a few times and looked at Lucius who was holding his cheek and Narcissa with her hand in the air.

"You will regret this, Narcissa." Mr. Malfoy grabbed his cane tighter and peeked at us for the last time with a disgusted look, then left.

"Cody," Draco called and the house-elf appeared in front of him, "Clean the glass."

"Yes, young Master," the creature obeyed and began cleaning.

I didn't even realise when Narcissa vanished, since she was nowhere to be found when I looked around. I glanced at Draco and saw an empty look on his face.

"Draco, I'm so sorry. I know this doesn't look good, but they are mature enough to work this out somehow and–"

"Work this out? Can you hear yourself?" he boasted and his eyebrows frowned. "Cassiopeia, they will not work this out. This is how they are. They are in their forties, yet they act like goddamn children. Their little games, the smiles and talks... I'm sick of their pretending!"


"Do you really think their marriage is perfect and full of love?" he laughed ironically.

"No, I mean–"

"Merlin, you're so fucking stupid," he scoffed and shook his head, making me step up closer to him.

"I understand you're upset, but don't take your anger out on me. I don't live here. I have no idea what is going on here on a daily basis," I argued, as my blood began boiling.

Draco has told me about a few things that have been going on at his home, but I was sure he didn't tell me every little detail. Of course, we trusted each other, but friends also have secrets. But still, I wasn't a bloody diviner, so how could I've known?

I had a short temper and as much as I understood Draco was mad, it was not okay for him to yell at me. Especially, since I did nothing wrong.

"Exactly, you don't. So stay out of this," he commanded.

I was angry at Draco for acting in such a childish way, but on the other hand, he was right. The best thing for me was to stay out of the whole situation. It was a Malfoy thing, so I wasn't needed there. My voice simply didn't matter.

"I need to be alone," he confessed, making me inhale nervously.

"Just.. don't do anything you might regret later," I said for the last time.

"I make no promises." I watched him leave the kitchen.

I was hoping he wouldn't do anything. Draco had a few stages when it came to his parents and all the stressful situations. He was either furious, had panic attacks or felt numb and needed space. There was also this one time when he self-harmed, but it happened only once. He still had the scar on his wrist, though.

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