10. Divine feeling of infinity

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Chapter ten

(Just to clarify, this is what Pansy looks like in this book)

There was one day left to the party and I couldn't have been more excited. I was nervous as well, but the excitement made me forget about the anxious feeling.

Why was I jumpy? Well, parties were fun and all, but something always went wrong. I remember this one time when we were celebrating Slytherin's victory over Gryffindor at one of the Quidditch matches in our common room and that night, Draco and I almost got caught by Filch.

Thanks, Mrs. Norris.

Or that one time when Fred and George sneaked me into the Gryffindor's common room for a party and McGonagall stepped in. She almost caught me as well, but I managed to escape just in time. All thanks to Harry, who let me borrow his invisibility cloak.

Draco and I decided to invite Pansy and Blaise to stay over for the night so we all could get ready in the morning.

The four of us were currently sitting in my room, each with a beer in hand and lost in the game. We were bored, so we decided to do something fun before the party, but not get wasted. We took a few beers and decided to play never have I ever.

"Never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex," I looked at everyone and took a sip, as Pansy went in and poured the alcohol in her mouth as well.

We watched Blaise and Draco just sit and stare at us.

"I don't believe you guys. Like, seriously? Never? Not even when you were drunk?" Pansy raised her eyebrows, as they shook their heads.

"I mean maybe... But we might just not remember it." Blaise shrugged his shoulders. "Never have I ever had sex," he smirked and peered at me, as everyone took a sip of their beer, except for me.

"Hilarious," I rolled my eyes and heard Zabini chuckle.

"No worries, De Bousquet, there's still time for you," he laughed and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Never have I ever had a crush on a professor," Draco interrupted Blaise and looked at me.

"Seriously, Malfoy?" I sent him a death stare.

"Sorry not sorry," he laughed and I took a sip from the bottle, trying to avoid everyone's on me.

"What? Who?" Pansy looked at me, but I only lowered my head.

"Snape," Draco answered for me, which made me drown in embarrassment.

"Bloody hell!" Blaise covered his mouth with his hand and started laughing, "Are you serious?"

"Come on! It was just a stupid schoolgirl crush and I was sixteen!" I tried to explain myself but I knew they wouldn't just let go of it.

Since I've been good at potions, Snape enjoyed challenging me. He expected a bit more from me than from other students, trying to bring out the potential that seemed to intrigue him.

Sometimes, I stayed after my lessons in additional classes with him and prove what a good student I was. It made me earn a few extra points for my house so it was a win-win situation.

I think that's when I found him appealing. We spent some time alone and he was different from when he was around students, which made me look at him from a different angle. Everyone was calling him the dungeon bat and was either afraid of his person or made fun of him, while I found peace in his presence.

"So you're into older men, huh?" Blaise cocked an eyebrow, making me sigh heavily.

Lord give me patience or an untraceable handgun.

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