6. Permanent and meaningful

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Chapter six

"What's going on here?" a rather confused Narcissa walked down the stairs.

"You should've seen that, mum!" Draco couldn't seem to catch a breath. "It was hilarious!"

"Shut up, will you?" I turned to him. "Why is everyone trying to kill me today?"

I wanted to walk up to Draco and smack the shit out of him, but before I got to take a step, I felt my legs give out. I was ready to fall on the floor once again when I felt a hand on my waist.

"Easy there, love," Narcissa spoke softly, as she held me to keep me stable.

I couldn't focus on anything for a good while but her palms on my naked skin.

"Draco, stop with this laughing. Your father wants to see you. He's in his study," her tone sounded serious.

"Right.." he wasn't as cheerful anymore. "Will you be okay, mum? Don't you need any help?"

"I'm a mother, my dear. I know how to deal with situations like this," she reminded him.

"I'll see you later, then."

With that, I was left alone with Mrs. Malfoy. Her fingers were still on me, my cheeks as red as before. I couldn't say I wasn't enjoying it.

"Come on, darling. I'll take care of you." Narcissa held me as we walked to her bedroom.

Once we reached it, she helped me sit on the bed. That was the moment when the world spun around like crazy.

"How are you feeling?" she asked worriedly.

"Dizzy.." I growled in pain and placed my hand on my head.

I shut my eyes since I couldn't stand the bright light, which Narcissa noticed right away. She turned off the main light and turned on the lamps on the nightstands.

"Thank you," I slowly opened my eyes.

"What happened down there?" she asked while searching for something in a drawer.

"Draco was chasing me.. I slipped and hit my head." I rubbed the back of my head gently, feeling the pressure. "I'm sorry for the trouble, Mrs. Malfoy. I should've been more careful."

"There's no need to apologise, love. But you should be more cautious. Have you been drinking with your friends today?"

"A bit, yes," I admitted. "But we didn't go near the water after we drank, I promise."

"I'm glad to hear that, Cassiopeia." she walked up to me and handed me a vial.

I drank the elixir at once and cringed at its taste. I handed the empty vial to Narcissa and she placed it down on the chest of drawers and then sat next to me.

"It should start working any minute now," she informed me.

For a moment there was nothing but complete silence between us. The thing is, I expected it to be uncomfortable, but it wasn't even near it. It was simply peaceful.

"I hope I won't come off as rude, but I can't help but admire your tattoos."

I had a few tattoos on my body. Sure, it was a muggle thing, but what a beautiful thing. Most of them were simply flowers. Seemed kind of cliché but I couldn't help it since I've always loved them.

"Of course not, Mrs. Malfoy," I grinned warmly. "If I'm being honest, I was scared you would think of me as a tattooed freak show.." I revealed, lowering my head.

"Oh, sweetheart, I would never." she cupped the side of my face and lifted my head back up, making me look at her. "I was meaning to talk to you about them but couldn't find the right moment. They are breathtaking."

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