11. Heart wants what it wants

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Chapter eleven

I slowly opened my heavy eyelids and groaned at the bright lighting, which almost blinded me. I covered my eyes with my hand to protect them from the light, but that couldn't help with my headache which was ready and steady to kill me. My whole body was weak and in pain, and it took everything to just get out of the bed. I'm not even going to mention how hard it was to get to the bathroom and not trip over the air halfway through.

I looked into the mirror to see my glorious make-up from last night smudged all over my face. I cringed at how terrible I looked and shifted my eyes away from the mirror, unable to look at myself normally. My eyeliner and mascara were messed up to the point where they gave me panda's eyes, and my lipstick was eaten halfway up.

It took me a good while to realise I was standing just in my panties, but when I did, I freaked out. I looked back in the mirror, then down on my body and again into the mirror, still not understanding why I was almost completely naked.

"What the actual fuck?" I asked myself and heard my morning voice crack, as I walked up to the shower to turn it on.

While waiting for the water to warm up, I noticed my dress lying on the floor. I picked it up and looked at it confused since I had no idea why it was lying on the bathroom floor.

I threw it into the laundry basket, then stripped from my underwear and threw it in there as well. I stepped into the shower and the water rushed down my body, washing away the sweat from yesterday.

I tried to remember what happened at the party or how I ended up in my room. Besides a few flashbacks, my head was empty. It made me panic slightly since I had no idea what I'd been doing for the past few hours. Well, obviously I slept for a while, but besides it?

I tried to keep myself calm, as I walked out of the shower and wrapped myself in the towel, fresh and clean. I did my usual morning routine and dressed up comfortably. I decided to give my skin some rest, considering that sleeping in make-up wasn't good for it, and didn't apply any make-up that day. I brushed out my blonde hair and left it to dry, then walked up to the doors and noticed they were locked.

"Did I do that?" I questioned myself, then unlocked them and headed to the dining room, just like every morning.

"Good morning.." I spoke to Lucius who was the first one to be seated, as always.

I took my seat and placed my fingers on my temple, as I leaned against the table.

"What time is it?" I murmured.

"Nearly ten," he replied and chuckled at how lifeless I was.

I groaned loudly, feeling the headache worsen with every minute. The worst thing about parties was the mornings after. Life would've been so much easier if hangovers wouldn't exist.

"Cass! We need to talk!" Draco shouted while running into the room. "Merlin, what happened to you? You look like you were kissed by a Dementor," he freaked at how terrible I looked without any foundation on and took his seat next to me.

"Shut the fuck up.. I'm dying here and you're screaming for the whole world to hear you.." I covered my ears to somehow stimulate his loud voice.

"Language, Cassiopeia," Lucius scolded me and shifted his gaze on my person for a second.

"I'm sorry Mr. Malfoy.. I just feel like total crap, and this idiot is- Hold on-" I turned to Draco and let go of my ears, "How are you even alive? You drank more than me, but you're here.. all sunshine and rainbows as if nothing happened."

"You sure about that?" he cocked an eyebrow, "You're the one who went crazy like there was no tomorrow, love. You should've seen yourself and Pansy, you two went hard-"

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