Chapter 12-Talking to James

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"What do you want?" James asks me. Taking a seat on the couch in the living room. Thomas sits away in the kitchen.
"Do you know what happened to Michelle?"
"When was the last time you saw her?"
"So you really don't know anything?"
"Fine. Stay here."

I run up to Michelle's room,grab the two glasses then run back downstairs.

"You don't remember these?"
"No,look. I gotta go."

He gets back up but I shove him back down on the couch.

"No you don't."
"Look,I've all ready told you everything you need to know!"
"So why aren't you more upset,I thought she was your girlfriend?"
"She is."
"How long have you been dating?"
"Three months."
"Is it serious?"
"Your relationship."
"Yes kind of,why are you asking me all of this?"
"I'm trying to find out who it was."
"It was probably her!"
"With two glasses?"
"That doesn't make sense."
"Ask her when she wakes up in the hospital."
"How are you so sure of that?"
"I just am. What can't a guy have hope?"

I look at him for a moment.

"You did it didn't you?"
"Listen again. You did it didn't you?"
"How dare you!"
"How dare me,you poisoned my sister!"
"That's it!"

He gets up to me then starts to walk out the door but I lock it,getting the key then shoving it in my pocket.

"We're going to the police station."
"That's it."

He grabs me and holds me against the wall,I try to scurry away but I can't move.

"GET OFF ME!" I scream but he cups my mouth with his hand.

He puts his hand in his pocket then pulls out something,a blue pill. He smirks slightly as he pushes it into my mouth.

That's what love does {Thomas Sangster}Where stories live. Discover now