Yoongi spoke softly to him the entire time, giving him encouragement and rubbing his back comfortingly. He really was the best hugger.

Jin wasn't sure how long he stayed like that, wailing into Yoongi's chest but when he finally pulled away he never felt lighter. He was exhausted and in a desperate need of sleep, but he felt better than he had in a while. He doesn't remember the last time he cried that hard. Yoongi thankfully had napkins in his glove compartment and handed some to Jin as he got to work getting the snot off his coat.

"Thank you for," Jin made a big circle with his hands. "All of this,"

Yoongi looked up with a smile. "No problem. You looked like you needed it."

They sat in silence while Jin caught his breath. There were a lot of things Jin need to go through, so many things, but right now he needed to focus on the one person who needed him the most at that moment.

"Hey, Yoongi? Can you take me to the hospital?"


Jungkook sighed in relief as he got the text from Yoongi saying Jin was okay and headed over to see Buckie. As much as he wanted to go to him, he didn't. Jin needed time and seeing him right now would probably only anger him again. Jungkook knew he needed to give Jin space to think but he couldn't help but feel the need to go to him, to check on him, to beg for forgiveness. Deep down he knew Jin wouldn't appreciate it at the moment. So, instead of dwelling on it, Jungkook decided to clear up his kitchen and then his livingroom and then his basement, before he knew it he cleaned about ¾ of his entire house.

With a sigh, Jungkook threw his dirtied cleaning rag onto the coffee table, sank into the couch, and dwelled on it.

It killed him knowing they haven't been dating that long and yet he kept fucking everything up. They were coming up on month three and this was usually around the time his relationships begin to fall apart. Maybe he was cursed...or just that shitty at relationships. Or maybe both. And if that was so, maybe he shouldn't be with Jin.

Maybe he should let him go.

He didn't want to bring Jin down like he's done with every other relationship he's had. Relationships were supposed to be easier than this, right? He wasn't supposed to bring Jin down, he was supposed to lift Jin up. He was supposed to a place a refuge and yet he's done nothing but make the man cry. He wasn't good at this and it showed.

"You're nothing but a coward."

Jin didn't know how right he was. He couldn't even confront his own best friend about his embezzlement. He was scared of things he couldn't control so he avoided them. It was a terrible way to go about life but he's been living this way for so long that it was almost impossible to break the habit. When things got too close, Jungkook would let it fall rather than hold on. It was easier that way. To just give up and move on than to face the uncertainty of new feelings. There was always that chance they wouldn't love him as deep as he would; always that chance they would wake up one morning just to say they didn't love him anymore.

A part of him thinks Jin would do this to him someday, hell, they are already fighting and the honeymoon phase wasn't even over—well it's not supposed to be at least. Maybe it would be best—

The interruption of the front door opening and closing broke Jungkook from his string of thoughts. Not even a second later, a barefoot Hoseok came into the livingroom wearing pink fishnet stockings, a high-waisted faux leather skirt, and a white crop-top that had "Daddy's Princess" embroidered on the front. He had his Louis Vuitton bag hooked on an arm as he slid his pink heart-shaped sunglasses off his face.

"Oh, Jungkookie, are you still in pjs?" Hoseok asked, cocking of his head.

Jungkook wasn't sure what it was, maybe it was the innocent question from his beloved hyung dressed like a call girl, maybe it was the stress of the morning, the lack of sleep, but the next thing he knew he was crumbling. Tears that seemed to appear out of nowhere cascading down his face as he tried to hide them beside shaky hands. A gasp was heard before Hoseok was across the room, wrapping the crying man into his arms, rocking him gently.

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