-See? He needed this- said Sou smiling while looking at Haru who was floating with his limbs like a starfish.

-I hope he can relax and forget for some hours.

-He will, don't worry, he might even clear his thoughts- said Sou putting on some shades and resting his head over his arms.

-You always say you're not worried about him, but these types of actions, say otherwise- I told the teal-eyed guy.

-He's my teammate, I worry.

-Keep telling that to yourself. Deep down you like him.

-A-Anyways, do you want something to drink? I'll go to the vending machine- Sou said and stood up abruptly without letting me answer.

I chuckled, before returning my view to Haru.

A couple of times we joined Haru in the water, but we knew he rather be alone there, so eventually Sou and I returned to the tree we had left our bags at.



-Now that your ankle is almost at 100%, why haven't you returned to swim practice?

-Well, for starters I can't participate in any competition here and I have 2 months left in Japan, so I'm pretty much out of the team now. Rin didn't seem to mind.

-He doesn't?

-Nope, he understood and that's why I only go to watch sometimes.

-But being in the water is what makes you happy.

-I like swimming and I enjoy being in the water, yes, but I'm not sure I'm as happy with it now as I was years ago.

-How so?

-Remember I told you I didn't like competitions?

Sou nodded.

-Part of it was because of the environment and stress of it all. But I still loved water and swimming, that's why I bared with it until one day I couldn't anymore. The thing is that I chose my career as another form to be closer to the water and to remember the good things this sport gave me.

-So, you're not going to be joining this sports world as an athlete...

-But as a physician, yes. You know, no one knew I was studying this because I'm here with an English program, and everyone thought it was something like Business Management.


-Yes, I think Nagisa and Rei knew until they talked to Kisumi one day and he said the actual career name.

Sou chuckled.

-Still, you don't seem as cheerful. Are you sure you won't miss being in the water with us?

-Oh, I'm sure I'll miss it, I'm even missing it now already.

-Then, why don't you take advantage of those 2 months and join again?

-I don't think Rin will allow that, I just convince him to get me off the team.

-The team that competes, yes. But not of the actual swimming club.

-You've got a point.

-Of course, I do. We'll tell him when we get back, ok?


When the sunset was upon us, Haru came back to the spot where we were.


-Hey- he said.

Black and White (Rin Matsuoka x fem!OC)Where stories live. Discover now